Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

I only wana level 1 alt so MOP remix doesnt seem worth it to me. The mounts? maybe… But the Xmogs? Nah. Im so particular about my mogs that i Just dont really care. I played MOP to death when it came out. I really don’t find slog-leveling through the same content to be fun.

I probably wouldn’t ReMoP if it weren’t for the rewards, but also rewards weren’t enough to get me to play Plunderstorm either, so I guess it’s all relative at the end of the day.

What if I don’t play either after I’ve gotten what I want from them? Got a post to address that?

I wouldnt have played plunderstorm without the incentives either.


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If there weren’t rewards but the servers were up for a longer time I’d play it just to do what I’m going to do anyways and see if builds enable raids to be soloed / small groups.

The rewards just make it worth it to play in a time sensitive manner, even if I’m only going to do an hour or two here or there, I’m still gaining something for my time so even if I don’t reach my end goal at level cap I wont be disappointed since I got some consolation prizes along the way.

I did like 2 hour long sessions of plunder before quitting it, didn’t find the gameplay fun, had no interest in the cosmetics and there was no progression goal for me so it was just repeating the same thing.

Stop the hat? I have no idea what you are talking about.

Honestly I think they should have just spawned you in the MoP capital city. That initial quest was so dreadfully boring and really who’s trying to do the questing EXP in MoP all over again?

I just wanted to log in to it and start having fun immediately.

Low effort troll.


I mean, yeah, this is fair. There will be a huge percentage of players who are only in it for the mogs. I’m one of them. But unlike Plunderstorm, I don’t actively hate what this is on its own either. It’s effectively just leveling through MoP Timewalking but we get access to Raids and we’re OP. It’s nothing AMAZING but it shakes up the normal process people go through when leveling, so if you have any alts to level it’s a good change of pace.

So, again, would I play it without the Transmogs? Honestly probably not. I’d just… not level anything. Because frankly I don’t really have anything I feel like I need leveled right now.

But for anyone who would be doing that anyway, it’s interesting.

The fact that I skipped Plunderstorm, which I also would have only cared about for Appearances, but am not skipping this, says enough IMO.

Report it for trolling as many times as you like - Blizzard has already reopened the OP twice. Just because it rustled your Jimmies doesn’t mean it’s against the rules.

I didn’t report your post.
I don’t find anything you say offensive or care.
You are a troll, just letting others know that.


I’m not there for the mogs. I’m there for the mounts. But most people wouldn’t play games without rewards. I had fun with Plunderstorm, but I played it for the rewards too.

Bit of the old snark there. Would you do most of the activities ingame without a reward?

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I hope this covers everything :wink:

The mogs and mounts are great and I’m looking forward to getting them. But the biggest reason I’m playing is because it’s a fun twist on the leveling experience and I’m using it as an opportunity to level several Alliance characters since I don’t have any at max level.

It’s fun playing with the tinker, cogwheel, and meta gems and getting creative with builds around them. I’ve got a demon hunter with a bunch of fire focused tinker gems for example :slight_smile:


Well I did said the people I met and play with… But hey to each its own!

We need all kinds of players, so I’m glad your not one of them! If everyone were after fashion the game would probably be not as fun… (IMO)

Also HI my name is Oreb nice to meet you, what was it that YOU like of MoP Remix?

I enjoyed MoP the first time around. Probably my favorite expansion. Playing it again with goofy op power sounds like a blast.

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Er, why wouldn’t I play it, even if it was just to level alts? :man_shrugging: Although without the mechanic of the bronze grind for mounts I guess I would like a button to immediately deploy the character to Retail instead of waiting 90 days.

What a dumb question honestly.

You know for a fact that most people here are addicted to getting cosmetics(especially when they’re exclusive). I mean look at your mog, you slogged through awful Plunderstorm to get that set. So would you play plunderstorm without the mogs/rewards? The answer is no, nobody would have.


No. Honestly, no.