Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

Some of them are visually bigger than others and give bigger rewards. Usually they are in prominent locations.

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Cloak ranks come as you get more and more threads; there seems to be a fixed number that you need to go up ranks.

As to how you get threads: do stuff. Quests, dungeons, killing things, dailies… all of this will get you threads and all of those will get you those cloak ranks.

Also I’m just gonna ask: Do the threads remind anyone else of the Badass point system from Borderlands 2? Just tons and tons of of tiny bonuses that stack infinitley?

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I never played Plunderstorm after I got the Captain Hook outfit. Saw no point, didn’t enjoy it that much. Now for example if I decide to make a new character after I’ve finished the Panda thing, that would be the place to level it up the fastest since the XP boost from your first character carries to the next character you make.

He does the same things on the Classic forum.

Meaning attacking other perspectives and projecting like crazy.

It’s kind of interesting to see it here too. If this goes beyond forum trolling and extends to RL I feel bad for the people who have to deal with it.

I’ve been trying out MoP Remix and it’s not bad.


It’s fun. The tinkers/gems are pretty sweet. It’s something to do until TWW.


Source: Trust me, bruv

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its been pretty good so far, unlike this bait thread that I should have muted the second i saw the title


I didn’t bother with Plunderstorm or MoP Remix, but my friend did Plunderstorm for the mogs… he told me it was an awful slog that was not fun yet he did it for the Mogs. He will also play MoP remix for the mogs & mounts since he’s clearly a collector.

Only takes one counterpoint to make your assertion false that NOBODY will play MoP Remix after they get their desired mounts & transmogs. Why make a house-of-cards assertion like that?



Meh everyone I know got the mog in plunder ASAP and quit it afterwards in relief. So…

X to doubt.


There’s a couple of mogs I’m interested in, but overall they’re the least important thing to me in Pandaria Remix. Are you feeling ok OP? You know you don’t have to play it, you don’t have to project on the rest of us

As for how it compares to Blunderstorm…literally did not even touch it, I could not have been less interested in it

I would, bc MoP was my favorite expansion.

“If they removed the rewards people wouldn’t play it” Yeah thats true for everything in this game.

There is a saying in a lot of online games and MMO I have played that unite all players I have met over the years in no matter what:

"Fashion (Transmog,Glamor,Cosmetic etc) is the true ENDGAME!"

Now its ReMoP… but what if they do it with Legion, WoD or WotLK etc? I guarantee you this is only the beginning so buckle up, my friend~!

PS: IMO at least, I could be wrong too, but it be fun to do Legion Remix and get all those Transmog again or re-skinned with these type of events!

Not ALL of us.

Well would anyone do regular raids/dungeons/etc if it didnt have rewards?

As a collector, Plunderstorm was so bad I just abandoned any idea of collecting the stuff.

Sometimes content is just so bad that it’s not even worth it. And that’s what Plunderstorm was.


Does it really bother you that much that Plunderstorm was only popular with a small minority of players and most people only stomached it for the transmogs?

You need to move on pal, hating on others fun isn’t going to help you feel better.

Mogs I can live without. Say mounts instead and you got me.

i think there are players who will do mop remix outside of the rewards for leveling

i dont think i’d have done either remix or plunder without the rewards
plunderstorm was slightly more creative though