Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

Untill the even ends they are. So separate. Or are you really that upset that you cant go round spoiling someone elses fun, cause rhats what it sounds like. Anyway ive wasted enough time on you, probably more than you deserve, but keep on being you and doing what makes you happy… just try not to make it at someone elses expese, cause that just makes you a sad little person.

If they did, I would be able to leave Pandaria with them or interact with other players in the “main game”.

It’s a separate mode, the characters just get converted at the end. It’s not really up to you to define it.

It’s not spoiling someone elses fun. It’s war mode. or used to be pvp servers. we’re there mutually to kill eachother. it’s elected. The same to me. I expect them to attack me on sight, I welcome it. That’s the game I signed up to play. An open world mmorpg with opposing factions at war.

Not this one. Blunderstorm was a separate game. In remix the characters are actual wow characters that have access to all my transmogs and mounts.

I’d wager that the OP is right in my case. I wouldn’t play Remop without the mogs. I’m not yet playing it with the mogs either though, so that does help his case.

That’s basically my point.

it’s a game mode that takes place in wow with real wow characters that will remain on my account afterwards. I enjoy pvp, I’d like if there was more opportunities to experience that half of the game in this mode.

I think it’s worth considering a separate game mode given that the characters are sectioned off from the rest of the characters on a server and also are having a wildly different gameplay experience.

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That’s fair. It’s VASTLY more integrated than Plunderstorm was that’s for sure.

I think it really comes down to what the gameplay expierience is at endgame as it is with all things in WoW; Good chance I use this opportunity to level an alt through this content that I never would have played before though like a Demonhunter.


Yeah I’m not hating on it or trying to ruin other people’s fun in it. Just isn’t what currently interests me as I’m not aching for a new alt and have plenty on my plate as far as things I want to get done in S4.

Didn’t do plunderstorm, and honestly I’m having severe problems just plugging through this… I leveled enough characters in MOP that I’m having PTSD now. I haven’t gotten past Pawdon Village yet.

And like, that’s my point; The closest to this gameplay expierience we’ve ever had near as I can tell is a mashup of BC’s gear mechanics combined with BFA’s Corruptions and HoA.

Which is ridiculous since it’s letting players get up to some truly silly things like seeing just how fast they can traverse the map or just how bricky you can get (I have like… 3 passive bubbles on my warlock right now).

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Then there are those of us who never stepped foot in either affair. No criticisms of either event, just not interested. Hope those who play it really enjoy it. :smiley:


I dont even care about the mogs. I have every singe one from the regular version. including the tusks.

Ah…thanks for the info. The mog sets were what threw me off by their prices. I’ll be getting more bronze in the coming days, of course.

Bronze also seems to come faster with either you’re cloak or your level; the bronze sparks I was coming across when I first got in game were giving like 2-5 bronze but when I was past 20 and had like 3 or 4 cloak ranks they were giving out like 12-16.

This is perhaps the most overwhelmingly ironic part of the thread - the OP either doesn’t realise or wilfully ignores just how many people couldn’t even be coaxed by the prescence of “extrinsic rewards”, in his words, to play Plunderstorm.

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How do you get cloak ranks? I made a LF draenei so I started at level 10 and I’m only level 14 and I’ve not seen anything about ranking my cloak up.

It really doesn’t. Help his case, I mean…because his premise from the start is that NONE of us would be honest in saying we are participating in ‘ReMop’ for anything OTHER than the mogs. That’s simply dishonest…or if not willful dishonesty, then self-deceptive. He’s declaring that we can’t possibly be doing it for fun, because HE doesn’t think it’s fun.

I believe some of those floating bronze ‘clusters’ have more than others as well, because I’d get 1 to 5 from most of them, and then suddenly get 12 from one…then right back to 3, then 5, and so on. I’ll be logging on soon after work, and see how it goes… :wink:

Makes sense, I believe you’re correct.