Would a Night Elf Warrior be viable if



You were playing on a PvP server and ambused people with Shadowmeld → Charge? Heck yeah it’s viable!

They can’t lol

I think I see where you’re going with this but this is classic. Shadowmeld doesn’t drop combat in this version.

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But do you really feel like you need that advantage with how easy the content is? It’s not going to make or break you at all. Meanwhile, I assure you that every good pvper is going to be abusing the crap out of the fact that you don’t have stoneform or escape artist.

It’s like this, if you don’t care about min-maxing, then it’s irrelevant. If you do care about min-maxing, which it sounds like you do, then human makes sense in a pve only environment, or post TBC PVP for perception or everyman for himself in arenas. But if you ever plan to pvp in classic, human is literally the weakest of the four alliance options for classic. So I don’t see how a min-maxer interested in pvp could ever justify picking it.

Sometimes you could use it to drop target before someone brings you into combat, so you could still get the charge, but that’s tricky, unreliable, and most players know to hit you with a cheap instant ability at max-range before you get the chance. But yeah, that’s not really “charging in combat”

What is the hit cap in PvP? Is it still 6-9% or less?

No but taking off bloodrage removes combat or did they nerf that

Less, because the players are level 60, not treated as 63 like bosses in raids.

Hit is useful in pvp, but not to nearly the same extent it is in PVE. Essentially, it’s very easy to get all the hit you need in pvp from gear or talents without even trying to, so the value of weapon skill racials are heavily diminished.