WOTLK talent for Shaman Tanking?

Anyone have an idea of what would be the best talents for tanking as a shaman in Wrath?

Toughness, shield specialization, anticipation, spirit weapons, guardian totems, on the enh side.

Ancestral healing, nature’s guidance, nature’s swiftness, focused mind on the resto side.

And I personally like to go 8 points down elemental for elemental warding.

I didn’t include any Lich King talents because I’ll have to refamiliarize myself with those talents again, but these have been my go-to talents for shaman tanking since classic (Focused mind being added in BC, not classic).

The Wolfs from enhancement talents, from what I remember have a taunt and heal, which will help a lot. Also Malestrom can allow for an instant heal which is awesome.

Will you be playing a Shaman Tank in Wotlk?

I’ve been quite busy updating the Classic SoM guide: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/shaman-tank-classic-som-guide-tank-shaman-caperfin/1168710 (Feedback on the site page is welcomed) but the Wotlk guide is in the works!

Yes, I intend to build a tanking gear set and throw enh talents towards it. It’s mainly for PvP; I intend to PvE in resto but I’d like to have the tanking option available for dungeons should the primary tank, fail, bail, gets DCd, etc.

good idea to have an emergency tank set