LOL golden
You and Piezuri have made this about befriending everyone you see when that is not what I was disputing originally. You said nobody knows anyone. For me, that is false. I know reputable people for crafting. I know people I’ve done dungeons or quests or PvP with. Am I sitting in discord learning their life’s story? No. That’s not the point.
Benediction should never have been allowed to have 30k players on one faction. But Blizzard actively encouraged it instead.
the pug scene right now is a lot like those texts your get from that one friend
then you dont hear from them for 2 weeks
You don’t understand, a poll that is open and showing thousands of player responses (I’m gonna be honest, I’m not sure how many responded to WillE’s poll) doesn’t count. Blizzard has all the data, even though they refuse to show any of it, and no player can provide any evidence that they were ever asked about LFD, and no one can point anywhere showing any real support for no LFD…
It’s their game, it’s their choice what they want to do with it, it’s not like players pay for their dying company to stay afloat.
I’m trying to figure out how people from different servers are able to talk and communicate with one another, since according to the anti-lfd side you can only socialize with people on your realm.
To be fair, the anti-RDF people have made it seem like you absolutely have to greet and make a lifelong friend with at least one person per dungeon. Its great that you remember people from 2 years ago, your memory must be impeccable, but i’d wager a lot of us don’t, or don’t care to because its pointless.
That’s just a sad outlook. But it’s no wonder you think no one knows anyone else if you think like this.
Have you… have you not be reading this entire thread? And have you not been keeping up with this entire discussion on the forums, reddit, twitter, etc.?
There’s a reason Blizzard has not gone back on the change yet.
What exactly do you want me to show a citation for?
Speaking of citations, here you have yet another claim, zero citation. And again, as I’ve mentioned before, Classic is NOT meant to appeal to everyone.
Ion said so himself, if you prefer LFD gameplay, Dragonflight will be there to offer the gameplay for you.
Again, have you not been keeping up to date? It’s the same few people in every LFD thread. It’s been 2 months now and they’ve yet to unsubscribe or do anything of note besides slew ad hominems against those that disagree with them.
If there were, Blizzard would have reverted the change already. Instead of doing that, they explicitly stated “Enough people are celebrating this change”.
Does that clear things up for you or is there more you feel needs to be discussed?
They exchange fax numbers, or perhaps AOL usernames.
I don’t think I said, “nobody knows anyone”. I think I said something more along the lines of not all players want to socialize at all times, and there are far more people in the game that you don’t recognize than you do.
And this also won’t change, as it’s not CRZ, it’s LFD. For larger populations they could even disable cross-realm.
I mean Blizzard should have forced at most 45/55. 10% population difference is still significant. However, as usual, Blizzard let the game enter maintenance mode and didn’t actively moderate which lead to the problems we have today - which, also, happened to retail.
I didn’t want to have to leave Whitemane, but I wanted to actually play the game so I didn’t really have a choice.
Thats what guilds are meant for. Im not pugging to hang out with you
Dreamsphere literally said that.
Who said they should?
Lol, ill be your friend. We all love the game, well cept one or two maybe, but these threads remind me of that kind of banter,
I’m being sincere here, please tell me how thinking “oh, i remember that guy” is important or adds meaning? I see no benefit to that. You say hi, or you don’t, and continue what you’re doing.
Why have I never seen this gold text before and what in the word is the WoW Community Counsel? Lol
I’d like to file a greivance.
Pretty soon they’re do their own forum gdkp and farm union dues from us
They do know how to trick me into supporting the union
That’s you. Everyone doesn’t see it the same way. It makes you feel like you’re part of a persistent community that exists within the game world when you can see people you recognize, know reputable crafters, etc. Does your server not have any funny characters that trashpost in raid general chat, trade, or LFG?
You say that the pro-LFD arguments are, “dismantled”, and yet I and the people who support LFD (as, previously I was against it, but I changed my mind) say the same about the anti-LFD arguments.
Most of the arguments against LFD talk about, “socialization” and, “the community” which just doesn’t exist in the way they make it sound.
Well, other than Blizzard being secretive, terrible at communicating, and slow to make any change.
Wrath Classic hasn’t even been given a release date.
Like any claim you’ve made.
Ion also said that he didn’t care what players wanted and also said that he directly nerfed a very loved spec to the ground because, “we don’t want anyone playing it” shortly before they gutted it entirely and radically changed its playstyle.
It’s also the same people in every LFD thread taking the anti-LFD stance. Are they all alts too?
We also see new faces from time to time expressing dislike of the change. We also know that there’s always a quiet majority, who will likely never respond and merely unsub.
Keep in mind I’m actively playing TBCC. A decision - that is likely going to be reverted - for Wrath Classic isn’t going to change the fact I am still going to be playing for the time being and have a responsibility to my guild and friends to be there for Sunwell raids. It’s part of that, “social community” that you anti-LFD folks preach all about which still only extends to the guild.
Post on your Classic TBC character instead of hiding behind an alt so we can see if you play the game.
See the thing I said about Blizzard. Blizzard is notorious for being among the most secretive, slow to respond, poor at communication, and disconnected from their customers among gaming companies.
They still have never shown any proof of any significant majority, “celebrating this change”. If, “enough” is a few anti-LFD posters, then they never cared about what the community thinks or wants in the first place.
Citation needed.