Wotlk is the Pinnacle of WoW

And oculus.


Yeah that came out shortly after the ActiBlizz merger. You know, that merger that was in the works for almost a year before the expansion came out?

It was as big as it was because it was the MMORPG bubble, that went pop shortly after that. Had Wrath come out a couple of expansions later, like around MoP or WoD, it wouldn’t have reached anywhere near the peak that it did.


I liked early WotLK, but I think the tournament patch onwards was the beginning of the end. It’s a shame that any Classic version of it would be based on 3.3.5.

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If numbers are the only thing that matters, then American Idol was the pinnacle of television and McDonald’s is the pinnacle of hamburgers.



in fact along with TBC, and a bit of Cata, WotLK is WoW’s golden age.

it is a shame that these people now do not understand, not even giving WoW: classic, because although it seems, it will never be the same as Vanilla.

In fact it is another pirated server that you have to pay subs and wait for it to complete the content in steps.


Arthas was more of a twist on the King Arthur legend but whatever.

Right down to the magical swords that were promised to “save your kingdom”.


You did have two 1 boss raids with EoE and OS. One of which had a scaling difficulty.


Dungeons, lol. But I would agree Wrath was better than BfA.

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WOTLK was indeed the best of WoW.

The 3 things that made it the best was:

1 Good gearing system, you could get “enough” with easy content but it was still some kind of content to work towards and there was still better gear for those who did harder. It was like a perfect balance.

2 PuG culture: Big pug culture in your own realm to progress by pugging. Sadly killed by cataclysm with the stupid guild system and later LFR to “fix” the issue. Now sure, pugging is easier and arguably faster but you also don’t meet new friends, there’s not a “pug culture” withing your realm etc…

3 And the most important that people always forget. WOTLK introduced achievements. These were a HUGE deal back in the day. Now they are like whatever, but back then? tons and tons of groups all day long in trade chat trying the dungeon achievements, old world achievements, weird gimick achievements. Nowadays they are okay, we just got so many of them, people don’t care. But when they were the novelty, they were THE content to do.

People often say WOTLK had no stuff other than raids and dungeons and pvp because they forget just how important and fun achievement hunting was back in the day.

Also WOTLK Dalaran was just the best. Small hub with both factions with everything there so you could just hang around there and portals to the other cities. We never had that again and that made the world feel so much more alive at lvl 80! Every other expac has separated us and made us get out more to weird places in the world for stuff and portals which just make things seem sparse.

Yeah, funny how people don’t realize this yet. They literally just moved the letters one spot from u to a and r to s and ta-da! it’s Arthas.

Technically OS had 4 bosses. The first 3 were just weak.

And to add to my point, beating it in one boss was a huge achievement that hunters tried out all the time for the mounts. I remember doing runs every week to see if I got it. Nowadays? few people really care about such stuff.


They were more like mini bosses and they dropped no loot. and they were part of the main boss.

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I always thought Arthas was Dr. Claw and we were Inspector gadget.


Interesting. The dungeons, at least difficulty wise were one of the low points of WotLK tbh.

I guess it just goes to show how far it’s fallen though if the lower points of a previous expansion outweighs the newer ones.

Unless of course you are referring to the ICC dungeons* which were in fact great. (The others were cool in terms of theme and aesthetics, just not an overall high point compared to the rest of WotLK imo)

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Maybe for you… not for me.


He was a weird mash up of both.

Bulky asthmatic sounding, slow moving, leader, with a manufactured army under his control where the rank and file members look alarmingly the same. While being based on a guy that was the up-and-coming boywonder of the side of the Light who switched sides.

Quick…who am I talking about. Vader or Arthas?


I started in vanilla, but LK was definitely my favorite. I just liked everything about the expansion.

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Numbers would be the only thing that mattered if you were calculating the peak for American Idol or McDonald’s popularity specifically.


Nah. Mists of Pandaria was.


Agreed 100%

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Tell me about it. Our guild picks the highest dps for progression and so only the lucky people with good corruptions get into the group. This patch and its corruption rng system is hot garbage. I hate rng so much, I’ve had it stuffed down my throat ever since legion with the rng legendaries and it’s never stopped since. Rng is the dish served up everyday all day long.

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