Wot in an Oppressed Nation

It’s been on the discount shelf for a while now. I don’t think there are any in the cereal aisle.

Well I googled Luci-o’s… goodness gracious, did you guys ever know there’s racism on the internet?

Like a lot of it.


racism is the last refuge of the eternally unimportant.


I dunno, you can make yourself frighteningly relevant by being the right kind of [rude name I won’t type for fear of being vacation’d].

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Do what I do and use silly insults that get the point across.

Like doodyhead. Or booger-eater.


Earlier I was gonna say my —- is grass, but didn’t wanna swear.

So I said my tush is mush.

And realized that’s not a swear, but infinitely more upsetting to read.


Not the last one. They still have sexism, too.


Yeah… there seems to be a lot of that, racism, and the like these days.

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This is why the only thing i ascribe to is apathy.

Be an awful person i won’t deal with you i’ll be over here eating a sandwich the memory of you will vanish from my mind the second i see a shiny rock or a pretty bird.

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Favorite bird? We get Cardinals here and they’re pretty cute.

Red Robins they’re depressingly rare around here but we see them on occasion

I like Wedge Tailed Eagles. And Eagles in general, come to think of it.

…and of course, Dinosaurs. Favorite prehistoric animal hands down.

Google is apparently telling me they’re not called red robins but red breasted robins.

I’m going to keep calling them red robins.


Fight the man Zen, it’s what we love about you.

EDIT: Zun, whatever :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s acting like a real boob I see.

Birds and dinosaurs being related as they are, I feel like you could get away with saying that eagles are one of your favorite kinds of dinosaur.

I’m having a hard time naming a favorite bird, but there are a lot of ospreys where I live, and they’re beautiful.

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OH YEAH THAT’S RIGHT! I completely forgot about that for some reason …but then again they only recently determined birds were actually related to dinosaurs as a branch rather than being like, descendants or whatever?

I prefer the old documentaries that said chickens were just baby Trex.

I did my grim reaper run in 12 minutes and 30 seconds and i swear to god i could hear yakkity sax playing at the end.

Well they’re more like modern velociraptors, technically, since actual Velociraptors were about the same size…

The raptors in Jurassic Park are more closely related to Deinonichus or maybe Utaraptors, which were about the size of the raptors used in Jurassic Park! Though, I suppose Velociraptor was a better name because it sounded more aggressive or something?

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