Worried FFXIV will kill WoW

Yeah yeah blah blah. Don’t care.

keep in mind conduits and covenant abilities are not gonna be there so your testing is probably going to have to be redone heh

Omg play what ever you want.
There are many good games to play

It’s actually pretty healthy to not put all your eggs in one basket and play more than one


Ok, so what? Neither is tier.

Other than… the massive mountain of evidence? Decisions like trying to nix flight, losing half of their subscribers, and then spitefully adding it back in with annoying hoops to jump through? Years of ignoring player feedback and assuming their own vision is right? Fostering a culture of abuse and harassment in the work place, enabling predators, etc?

Yeah, Blizzard has been killing WoW for a while now, and they’re the only ones who CAN kill it.

Spent 150 hours to try out FFXIV and I’ll never play it again.

  • Botting problem that has existed for going on 9 years with not a single idea to deal with it
  • Player Housing is literally an unhealthy practice in that game and they don’t care
  • Mandatory dungeons to play the main story
  • Transmog system is incredibly tedious and looks to be designed solely for end game players
  • Very limited UI customization compared to WoW thanks to almost zero addon support
  • Combat feels slow and clunky compared to WoW

You can love it all you want but there is no chance I’ll ever play it again, WoW has just done everything better for me so I’ll stick with WoW.

Also WoW has had several graphics updates over the years think one of the first was MoP then again in WoD, Legion just about every expansion they’re improving things here and there.

They don’t wait 10+ years to do a graphics update.


I would be more frank and say MMO gaming is a dying genre because of stagnation and market shift.

Final Fantasy doesn’t have the potential to gobble up the market like WoW did back in the day. I would be concerned about the new Riot MMO though, given the playerbase and hype surrounding league it does have that potential.

Well that’s what you would like us to believe but you can’t prove a word of what you said. How do you know that the things you don’t like are the things other people don’t like? And if these things didn’t convince you to drop your subscription why would they cause others to drop theirs?

Fact is you can’t dismiss any of the reasons I gave as problems for Blizzard and the fact that they overcame these issues, that we know exist, is nothing short of amazing.

I love how some flagged threads stay up so long and some take minutes to be taken down :clown_face:

Look at this… he is on the classic forum now saying classic is dumb and we should all play Dragonflight…. Bahahaha

I can’t prove that subscriber counts have been on a death spiral?

Lay off the copium, my friend. I think you’re hitting the side-effects stage.

I’m actually laughing at you because you claimed no one cared about my classic post… The proceeded to stalk me. Lmao.

This is usually where you show proof rather than go “lol copium”. It usually means that you are completely bsing.

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We would need accurate active account numbers for that and given the number of multiboxing accounts we know exist in WoW thats going to be difficult.(and yes I mean accounts that only exist for the sake of multiboxing and do not participate in PVP or PVE just gold making via farm blocks)

I know you discuss in bad faith but these are the facts: FF14 generates more positive feedback than WoW and the player bleeding did a lot during SL. So much, that the game was “sold out” and new player generation was on hold.

Let this sink in for a moment.

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FFXIV is a great game. I’ll probably resub once I get bored of DF.

I mean, sure, why not post stuff that’s been posted so often its considered common knowledge on these forums?


It’d be about then that Blizzard stopped releasing their sub numbers with the investor reports.

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It was sold out because their log in servers couldnt maintain a log in queue over 20,000 people with the queues being based on data center.