World pvp unlocked by completing campaign?

If I understand it right you cannot do any of the world pvp quests unless you complete the main story quests in every zone? I havent even done the quest to go to silithis and start the expansion. just went through dungeons till hitting max then nothing but battlegrounds. I have no interest in the pve part of the game especially boring questing. Seems like it should be changed instead of forcing it on people? If I’m wrong about any of this please someone let me know

Yes you have to unlock World Quests, to do the World Quests. (even the pvp ones.)


You have to do the campaign once on your entire account. It’s not that bad.

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You should always do the main campaign in a new expansion.


How will you know when they’re unlocked? Will you see little icons on the map similar to past expansions? I thought I was done with the Campaign, but not seeing anything yet…

Ya they show up exactly like in the past. Need to have War Mode on to see them.

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Thanks! Yes, WM is always on…