World PvP QOL Balance

Please consider two options, 1) if someone is flagged for wPvP, than lower their lvl to the max lvl of the zone… OR 2) Create a debuff so an unskilled player killing other players more that 10 lvls lower has honor taken away from them and the debuff could potentially stack lasting for several hours/days. Blizz: I have no problem being killed by someone more stilled than me, it can happen all day and twice on Sunday but, to continually allow one play to camp other toons dozens of lvls lower is adding to one players QOL while taking away the QOL from several dozen other players… Thank You

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Or turn off WM. It’s an option with rewards and because you get rewards you have risk. It’s really not that hard to do



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What about skilled players who gank lowbies?


Turn off Warmode.

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i felt the need to post being there was already a couple mojos in this thread…

i think you should turn off warmode


I too, have an alt with mojo in the name. One sec…

ahem Turn off Warmode.


How dare you try to infringe upon my QOL as a low level camper.

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You have a 25% currency and XP bonus. Guess which faction never got better than 10%, launch to date?

Already done and still doing to the Horde. I bet they would like a gucci bonus too every now and then.

But the worst part is that you can make bank that your faction isn’t going to stick up for you.

but my character progression
how am I supposed to oneshot people if im the same level?
why should I have to fight fair?
I wasn’t treated fairly!
I was ganked when i was a little low level so I do the same thing to other people so they can feel the pain and restart the cycle all over again

but I’m so skilled because I can do PvP against people 70 levels lower than me!

don’t like being corpse camped by a guy who can’t kill other 120s?
tUrN oFf WaRmOdE
tHe BoNuSeS aRe NoT rEqUiReD
yOu AcCePtEd ThE rIsK
I sHoUlD bE aBlE tO oNeShOt PeOpLe bEcAuSe Im GoOd

What would happen to people like me? who take lower levels like this 70 and then go to a zone with anyone 98-120? would our stats go nuts too? We really don’t need it.
I think you should just turn WM off or gear and be ready for it. Get some free action pots and gliders.

Could you not record on a potato computer? Thanks.

what I got is what I got. Those are just to prevent people from saying no you cant. lol very easy to show a short video. Point is if you go war mode expect to die. be it a 120 or someone 30-48 lvls lower than you. I can get some 120s because of scaling tho. Only players 118-120 get phat scaling and this can happen…