With the addition of follower dungeons, world pvp is starting to feel a bit lame. Most players have learned that instead of dying, they can just take a instant follower dungeon que to avoid death. Taking a follower dungeon que also resets some CDs… This needs to be fixed ASAP. Maybe make it so you can’t que for a follower dungeon while in combat or accept the que while in combat…? There should also be a deserter debuff if you leave a follower dungeon or some type of CD if you instantly leave a follower dungeon.
I must admit I have used this tactic and it should definitely be tweaked.
No thanks. That was miserable back in the day. I’m also not missing a 15 min Que because you attacked me and I can’t get out of combat. You just have to live with the fact people got other things to also do while playing the game. WPvP isn’t supposed to stop those things, it’s supposed to be in addition too them.
Or if there is some combat bug.
Follower dungeon isn’t a 15 minute queue, it’s an instant solo queue. I agree that it shouldn’t be applied to normal queues, but follower dungeons, I believe it should be.
I just came back recently, and I was wondering how people were just dipping so quickly. Makes sense.
Never said it wasn’t. I’m saying when I’m WPvPing I’m also Questing, Mining and in Que for other activities that have long Que times. When they pop I’m taking them regardless of what anyone else wants. That should NEVER change.
Some people think just because you have Warmode on you are now obligated to do what they want. Which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Warmode is just in addition to all the other in game activities. (Which is why the bounty system doesn’t work and gets in the way of playing the game) So we have to Hearth or log to wipe it.
WPvP is about getting in fun organic PvP while doing the regular open world activities, waiting for Ques, doing Delves etc.
And that’s fine. You’re obviously not queueing something maliciously to escape WPvP combat or anything. You’re WPvPing while you wait for a queue or while you have down time and are mining/herbing whatever.
No one’s waiting for a follower dungeon queue though because it’s instant. No one is actively WPvPing and decides “I’m in the mood for a follower dungeon, I’m gonna queue while I’m in the middle of fighting this rogue who’s likely going to win ”
They do it to escape combat and can rinse and repeat.
Literally, the only problem here is follower dungeon. That’s the only thing people are asking for Blizzard to hammer down on and prevent from taking in PvP combat. Barely anyone complains about other queues that have a long queue time lol
omg, i never tought i would find a thread about the very same rogue who keeps doing that in stormwind city
you are the same rogue who just keeps going in follower dungeon when you are about to die lmao