Yes, because comparing a normal white swing, white autoattack from a warrior to a Key balance druid spell ultimate that is also a spell on a decent cooldown is… oh…so…fair…
While you are at it, why not compare Presence of Mind + Pyroblast to a warrior’s white hit too?
Look, you might be upset that you can’t just 1-2 hit people and instantly delete others with white hits with your warriors like in Vanilla or Classic 2019, I get that. And I empaDIES with you and I am sorry if for some reason you feel normal white hits from a warrior that don’t kill people in 1-2 hits would make you feel emasculated or inferior.
But maybe, (just maybe) if you started paying attention to key warrior abilities and use it in tandem at the right timing and with proper positioning, just MAYBE, you could…you know… make an impact? and actually get a kill? Like what all the other classes actually have to do?.. you know?.. to actually secure a kill?
It’s a horrible feeling to play your class like a normal non-OP class like the rest of us peasants, but you will get used to it, and you will get used to it fast, if you want to perform decently. I promise you.
Like, I hear what you’re saying, there, it’s just that “well yeah they might suck but they’re a part of the game and do stuff” isn’t “it”.
Yeah, the guy who insults his coworkers or steals their food from the fridge (bad actor) goes to a job (plays WoW) and contributes to like… employment numbers and completion of job duties (“guise lookit mai l33t numb4rz”/progression) and the like, it’s just that they’re also disruptive and harmful (see: “bad actor”) to the other employees (the rest of the playerbase), which could result in people leaving for another job and telling other people to avoid that place because of that one person – word spreads (“WoW sucks and is toxic, let’s all go to OTHER GAME.”). Yeah, there should be a mandatory review of grievances (“Hi, this is Susan from H.R…”), with refusal resulting in a ban (fire) outright…
Yet, the system is what the system is ( :spray bottle: ), so.
What? On classic I saw “Bindings sold for 10k”… Thats kinda HR an item. Also saw a bunch of Naxx gear being pre-sold. If that’s not a version of HR, I dont know what is.
For me its the absolute opposite. I have 2 other alts (one with TF) that I enjoy raiding with because there are so many SR raids. If it was GDKPs, since I dont like them I just dont run them and I wouldn’t have alts.
Buncha donkeys whining bout spending gold in a raid you willingly participate in knowing beforehand that will be how you obtain the gear from the run. Absolute lunacy to argue that gdkp ban was a good decision. Liberal minded idiots whining about something they don’t even have to participate in. “Cancel gdkp’s bc it’s not fair and I don’t like them!” If you don’t like them, don’t run them? To pretend that the majority of gold spent in gdkp’s is bought is completely un-proven and unrealistic. Even then, gdkp is ONE of over a dozen reasons someone would want to buy gold in the first place. The game is overloaded with bot farmed gold. Everything on the AH suffers from it. Find a more compelling argument
GDKP erodes the quality of classic, period. When a giant portion of players are spending hundreds of US dollars to get into easy raid farms and then buy any loot they want and it is all sanctioned, I should not need to explain all the elements of MMORPG gameplay (particularly classic) that are lost and how much easier this makes cheating and gold selling. Your argument that mobile games dominate the market therefore blizzard should take heed and encourage or allow pay to win behavior is franky nauseating. Mobile games dominate because of accessibility (everyone has a phone) and because they prey on human addiction patterns that are already so much a problem with the human state. You can try to say wow is just an addiction but the difference is that i dont spend all my hard earned money to play the game. I just play it. Anyone who has spent an adequate amount of time on mobile games with p2w features can tell you what a cancer they are and how far removed from them WoW should try to be.
SoD didn’t “die” down for any reason other than its seasonal and WoW is largely a game about permanence or at least years and years of gameplay possibility. Sure maybe you get to keep your character in some form but the lack of transparency on how is the exact real problem with it and its development process. They just winged it with no clear communication on where the characters would go. Please stop listening to Asmongold’s worst takes ever (those about GDKP) and try to think critically for yourself for once.
The Horde PvP queue time is caused by shamans. Ask alliance players, there’s no fun in joining a BG and fighting shamans that feel like they’re level cap in the next expansion, causing most Alliance players to avoid PvP entirely.
There are the racial imbalances, but fighting shamans is not fun and is not rewarding.
Hi! Welcome back to the forums. I can hook you up with a good therapist because you have this unhealthy obsession with not taking blizzards NO DKP stance and just let it die. You lost, dkp has been gone for almost a year! Yay
Stopped reading after the first sentence. Defending the toxic, cringelord manchild WoW community is one of the many reasons why this game belongs in a garbage bin.