I just find the people with ’ ! ’ , then find the people with ’ ? ’ after.
I don’t really care who they are, it’s a means to an end for me. Story stopped being good after Suramar (I am also biased)
I just find the people with ’ ! ’ , then find the people with ’ ? ’ after.
I don’t really care who they are, it’s a means to an end for me. Story stopped being good after Suramar (I am also biased)
I’m sorry, was Varok Saurfang Alliance all the sudden? Was listening to Bain Bloodhoof cry about honor every turn about the Alliance? Pretty sure BFA was the Sylvanas Show with the Final in the Shadowlands.
You set Teldrassil on fire.
You burned down Teldrassil.
The moral victory, at least.
Bolvar Fordragon as the Lich King is not an Alliance Hero.
Boo Hoo. I left my tiny violin buried in a tree trunk after being forced to watch Thrall and Aggra get hitched.
Varok Saurfang’s BFA character arc. Baine’s character during BFA. Talanji going after the Alliance after Rastakhan’s death.
Remember the Alliance is simply reacting to what the Horde did. After all, it was the other worthless War Chief, Vol’jin that appoint the homicidal maniac.
BFA. Where the Horde “won” in the prepatch then lost the rest of the expansion.
Where the Alliance attacked a Horde city and killed its leader.
Where the entire Horde campaign was the scepter. Which the Alliance immediately stole back. Where the back up plan was using a recovered corpse. Which immediately went back to the Alliance.
Sourfang crying is Horde story?
Baine doing nothing is Horde story?
The story going out of the way to ensure everyone knows Talanji is no where near as good as Jaina?
And winning non stop. Once the expansion launched, it was all about the Alliance winning everything and the Horde losing everything.
Are you seriously asking if story about Horde characters constitutes Horde story?
Because that sounds really dumb.
I am saying that BFA was much more about the Alliance than the Horde.
Once the expansion launched, the entire Horde story is “ok, well the Alliance beat us again. and again. and again. do you think we should just surrender? oh no. they beat us again”
Its gonna be a hard sell to convince me “hey, you know how you got your butt kicked for 2 years by the Alliance? well thats a horde expansion obviously”
By questioning whether story about Horde characters is Horde story.
Labeling expansions either Alliance or Horde is very silly to me.
For the same reason I think representation is silly.
It’s tit-for-tat nonsense that accomplishes nothing but stoking basal divisions between individuals and masking the real issue with the writing, which is that it’s almost as a rule bad.
Its the conversation.
Thats fine. Lots of people disagree. It also is helpful in creating a better story.
“Hey, I would like it if the story was more well rounded. It showcased the various factions and characters in the game to a more full experience, rather than really only focusing on a select group, while ignoring a large portion of the lore assets available”
I dont feel that is stoking basal divisions.
I am not asking for a “tit for tat”. I am not asking for a Horde expansion. I am asking for better writing through the process of using all lore assets available and not super focusing on a select few.
But you started BFA. Why are pointing to the obvious reaction and calling it ‘an Alliance Expansion’?
Yes. The Horde was the plot device for the pro Alliance story.
You’re literally complaining that Alliance won a war, and declaring the expansion therefor is not a Horde story, to the point that you’re questioning whether story involving Horde characters is in fact Horde story.
The implication is obvious, that the story has to be of the Horde triumphing over the Alliance in order for it to meet your standards, hence tit for tat is entirely apropos.
I literally lay out what I am looking for.
You state there is an implication so far out in left field that has nothing to do with what I plainly stated.
“Wow…you said you want more involvement for everyone!!! you obviously mean the only thing you are looking for is a 100% horde victory and the Alliance being demolished”
You dont have to look for an implication when I literally state what I am looking for in the story.
Y’know, the war in BfA is pretty funny in hindsight, since the part of the war the Horde “won” was also the part that was entirely removed from the game.
If a Horde victory weren’t something you desired and which would fulfill your criteria to some extent, you wouldn’t be questioning whether Horde story in an expansion where the Alliance won the conflict at all constitutes Horde story.
Put even simpler, if it didn’t matter to you those questions wouldn’t even have been asked.
the day the forums use logic is the day azeroth blows up. it aint ever gonna happen lol
That’s actually what’s going to cause Azeroth to wake up at the end of the Worldsoul Saga and destroy the planet.
They did WHAT!?
Boom, there goes the planet.
You keep trying to make this into “I want the Horde to defeat the Alliance”
At no point did I state that is what I wanted.
I have actively stated what I wanted.
You keep ignoring what I state, to come up with your own ideas. So. Just gonna move on.
Do you realize this isn’t what the Horde players did, this is what the story team and devs wrote. The Horde and the Alliance don’t exist in real life. Shocking, huh?
I say it because I ain’t entirely sure you’re aware of this.
My complain is exactly that the Horde is being written as the villain to the Alliance heroes.
A decade ago.
Saurfang is probably one of the few good things that have come out of this Horde = bad, Alliance = good mentality that the current writing team has. But, even then, it shows this bias. Baine is just a sidekick to Anduin.
During BFA the Horde is clearly presented as the villains, so Talanji is just another villain going after the good heroes of the Alliance.
Again, this is what I’m complaining against. The Horde is being written as simple villains to highlight the good guys (the Alliance). Remember, these aren’t player decisions, this is the story team going for a story in which the Alliance is the main and good faction, and the Horde is the bad faction/sidekicks. Many Horde players find these decisions ridiculous and badly written.
Try to take a moment and look at it from an external perspective, not as “I’m Alliance, the Horde suxs. For the Alliance!”. Look at it from the outside and analyze how both factions are presented by the story team. Take a moment to consider how the Horde players are being presented with a story in which their faction is always inferior to the other faction, always in the morally wrong side, always the weaker ones and just forced sidekicks in anything that involves saving the world.
Take a moment to consider how almost all the main characters in this game are Alliance right now (even the supposedly neutral ones), to the point that right now only Thrall can be considered a somewhat main character from the Horde, and even then his role is mostly to provide moral support for the Alliance characters.
Let me dream.
lol right? Horde never make a peep when most of the previous expansions were all about them. They even had their own raid for the horde and Alliance were just throw ins (SoO). But it was all good as the Horde thought it was fine. But once Alliance get any attention that might be more than the Horde, they get all up in arms and whine and cry.
You don’t have to say something outright for it to come across very obviously.
There’s even a word for it: Subtext.
But if you refuse to recognize it I can’t make you, and bid you well in your moving on.