World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Features Overview

Yup, thats how Sylvanas is, she doesn’t fight fair and will skillfully set and use traps while the opponent thinks she has the upper hand. Or wants to slowly kill/humiliate them showing she is in full control.

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Why would she do that? She doesn’t want to die. She made her disdain for the concept of honor very clear by now.

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Now all will see… that this… IS THE HOUR… OF THE FORSAKEN!


I hope there are more features than 3 zones and a challenge tower. If so, why weren’t they included in this very public video? Why no mention of the level squish? What’s going on?

So if I want to join the Bastion covenant because it looks cool, but the gross Maldraxxus covenant has the best abilities for my spec what do I do?

Nothing says she rocks like killing its most revered war veteran and then forsaking the horde she’s leading.


What features???


Kinda hope there’s a bit more, really. The details seemed a bit skint.

Not so keen on an expansion leveling grind for abilities that we’ll lose at the end again. Maybe I’m wrong, but the new covenant stuff seems like that.

Reading is fundamental.


Hopefully a lot more is shown later as right now from this trailer there isn’t anything to actually be excited over. This is just looking like a very large patch at the moment.

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cry like a girl

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you gotta give the night elves somethin here Bornakk. if the night elves in the story are just going to suddenly forgive a genocide all because anduin goes peace-crazy that’s just bad writing. if tyrande is going to become a side villain throwing a monkey wrench into everything in a petty fit, that’s bad writing too. if something is planned to bring the story around, that could work, but leaving the night elves hanging for an entire expansion is just horrible writing and alienates a lot of players invested in the night elves and their lore as one of the ancient peoples of azeroth.

Having something worth reading is also fundamental.


Oh man, I had no idea and when I saw a Blue post something about Shadowlands, it had to be real. So this is the new Expansion?? It looks real good!! So the rumors were true huh? So glad BfA will be coming to an end. IT was the 1st expansion i skipped after S1-2 PvP! I did Mythic 10s, I did 1600-1700 RBG’s, The gear system got old quick. I stopped at lvl 405 then Mech/Nazj came out and i have not even been there

So yea, TY for posting this @Bornakk
edit; even classic doesn’t appeal me. I prefer Retails playstyle

have you not figured it out by now? every xpac, xpac etc is a grind for more power and abilities. its either grinding for badges to buy gear, or grinding for some sore of points to unlock abilities or power up existing abilities, or grinding for rep to buy better gear, or running through an instance again and again waiting for your bis weapon to drop or to get your bis chest piece to titan forge with a gem slot etc etc etc

I was hoping playable High elves, playable new anything!..

No new races or classes… what a let down… but hey I’ll be able to change my skin tone more now… :neutral_face::neutral_face:

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Just tell me how many world quests and dailies and dungeons I’ll have to do every single day.

It looked like an Arms Warrior showed up to the fight via a shadow/void tornado thingy. Please say we’re not getting another way to ruin class identity and fantasy in the same way the Heart of Azeroth does. Please please please. I just want to be a Hunter or a Warrior. I don’t want to throw glitter at enemies or called down magical beams from the heavens.

Maybe it’s the Void Elf racial with a new animation?

Not upset or anything yet! Just hopeful that we don’t have another Heart of Azeroth coming our way.

I think this looks amazing. The visual aesthetics of all of the zones are right up my alley, can’t wait to check them out. I also like the different spin on the “faction” gameplay, feels more like Elder Scrolls or something with different guilds. I’m just curious if you have to align yourself with one for the whole xpac, or if you can switch allegiances at will for different perks or something? Looking forward to the Q&A.

I loved the owls! And the vampires.