also Blizz dropped that from recommended long ago.
also Blizz dropped that from recommended long ago.
You do know things can change between beta and launch right?
you do know SSDs weren’t more than rec’d because of the amounts of assets in the zones, right? they weren’t a requirement, just a recommendation.
No? Everywhere I’m looking it says at one point they were listed as a requirement.
you do know you are nerco’ing an old thread with old information tho… right?
Explain why I was able to run the beta just fine when this was making everyone freak out… without needing an SSD?
Because the listed requirements were wrong. They were changed after this thread was made.
They were listed as a requirement but hardware requirements for games are rarely “if you have anything below this it literally won’t run”. More often they’re “if you don’t have at least this, don’t blame us if it runs like crap”, which is pretty much what they said when they added HDDs to the minimum requirement list.
Okay? This doesn’t go against with what I said.
Okay? I never said it did.
Then it’s irrelevant to my comment. Not sure why you quoted me.
It WAS required then slapped down to recommended.
I got a 1tb NVe ssd for 129 bones at best buy… I should’ve done that years ago. Total warhammer II times are now blazing.
I moved my game to an SSD recently and it definitely loads faster but it’s not a game changer.
We’re talking like 4 second load times vs 10 second load times. Sure, it’s nice but it doesnt change things that much.
They’re not a requirement but they should be.
Loading into Boralus or Dalran with a HD and only 8gigs of ram was a slow piece meal process.
Was intersting though wold be flying around in cat form with warp speed run animations for 10-30 seconds waiting for the game to load my bird form.
just because something is “required” doesnt mean it wont run, they just wont give you support for not meeting their requirements. and then they changed it from being required.
you may not know much about computers, but again, im still super impressed with your skills in Necromancy. you need to head to Maldraxxus, STAT!
Listing it as required was dumb anyways, because the only difference between the two are speed.
speed… and computing and gaming… yeah, totally stupid.
Speed is everything when it comes to computing and gaming, so yes. speed.
Ill own everyone on my idaho russet potato and my trackball mouse.
If i save my pennies i hope to upgrade to yukon gold potatoes.
I’m still wondering why you even necroed this thread, acting like the OP was wrong. They reported the info at the time.