after one years break from wow.
i have come back and see the same s… happening again.
to help me try to bypass i had decided to level up a new character from the ground from preventing me to burn out of chortia and all.
first day aleardy in shadowland maw introduction done.
day 2 aleardy at the start of nigh fea home.
day 3 almost done with night fea story quest and aleardy 59 1/4 from 60.
if i continue that route i will be 60, will have been grinding chortia and maw nearly 226 ilvl at the end of the next week end.
my average time spend on the game are between 4-12 hour a day, the lowest hour i play are when i have finish worked.
my highes play hour when im on my day off from work, while doing my real life chore list laundry,grocery and house clean thing.
i’m not ur typical casual who can afford 2 hour day, my simpler life permit me to pass more time on the games then the average player.
but seriously i will hit the burn out pretty quickly because their is nothing to do that i have the interest and worth my time after i attaint my goal, i have aleardy clearing sod on another character and i clearly dont to do it again because the raid is meh to me.
im not interested into collecting stuff, pvp,m+, pet battle.
my post here is to explain that i have seen no real improvement and looking at 9.2 i will surely unsubscribe keep looking around to see, but in my first time i don’t event looking forward the next expansion or event thinking about pre ordering it or simply buy it.