World of Warcraft News and Development Updates

Great…. I thought it was a CM and not a bot /sigh. So much for increased communication. There’s too many bots these days :frowning: I was hoping for something like the Bungie weekly updates, but I guess that’s asking for too much from Blizz.

I’ll leave my post above as it was on the off chance that a CM reads it, but that’s unlikely since this was posted by a bot.

Ikr! It’s almost as if “we” isn’t universal and that’s just your opinion! Meanwhile people DO like it and it makes them money. But yea, it’s definitely a mystery why they keep doing it…

If it was making them so much money, why did they fire a bunch of their esports team?


Wouldn’t know as I’m not a Blizzard employee. Do you honestly believe they would lift a finger if it weren’t making them money? That’s funny.

This was a good thing back in the day. We were able to agree to disagree, yet enjoy the benefits of the discussion.

I’m afraid where we lost contact with the devs was when a couple of loony toons actually harassed the dev and the family in real life because of a simple disagreement with a game.

If I was in charge of a company and some random ‘gamers’ went after my employee and their family at their home, I would certainly cease all communication.

At the time, who would have thought of this risk. When it happened, it was not the devs who blew it… it was some rando GD armchair warrior. Someone who probably felt the need to “speak for everyone.” Since then, we’ve all paid for it. Whether we want to admit it or not.

While we can complain all we want about a lack of communication, we have to still look at the overall behavior of GD. What possible incentive does a dev have to come into these forums for a discussion? Just look at how they are torn apart with what is transpiring today.

There is still the bashing of the Community Council to work out. Give them time to get their house sorted (isn’t that a major bashing point of the GD?) and they will hopefully stop using a defensive turtle strategy. We can hope for a return to a gamer company run by gamers (not lawyers).

I will admit, I played the GD card today… because it has reached that level of absurdity and acceptability regarding communication. I’m astonished by the level of marketing performance demonstrated today. There doesn’t seem to be a direction, just reaction. Parroting everything you already said is not communication, it’s hitting the start button on a copy machine.

(Note: Blizz, if you are lost… go back to the original mission statement to guide you. It’s a business tip that has worked time and again. Stop listening to the lawyers and hear what’s going on with your playerbase)


Back to your regular GD activities. :popcorn:

Yes. Blizzard has done a ton of loss investment on the past. Thry are in too deep now and are desperately trying to drum up hype to turn a profit and distract from their months and months of scandal. Remember how when the news first came out sponsors dropped like flies from wow and overwatch esports stuff?

Remember how for years they tried to make Heroes of the Storm into a big esport thing but it failed so badly that they had to cancel their entire tournament and screwed over professional teams?'s%20Global,Korean%20and%20American%20team%20Gen.&text=On%20December%2013%2C%20without%20warning,Championship%20season%20were%20unceremoniously%20cancelled.

100% they are pumping money into a loss to try to turn it into something.


I like this news post, more of this.


I love this, because it’s not e-sports.

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A couple of 5 year olds with a couple of soup cans and some string can communicate better


Is this a “Look Kids, Big Ben!” moment while they figure out the exact order of reconfiguring the deck chairs on the Titanic. Don’t forget to strike up the band!

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This tier is going to show up with nobody playing and nobody coming back. Horrible timing. I would have made it an absolute imperative that this was finished and out before Christmas. There are far too many small things happening the same time this is going to end up coming, and two HUGE things with the new Poe league and lost ark.

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what do you mean? why wouldnt you jump at the opportunity to come back to a game with this level of incredible writing combined with the huge harassment lawsuit with almost nothing has been done yet so yo can grind conduits (again), sockets (again), flying (again) and now get to grind a legendary!

The best thing this is just like 9.0 and 9.1 where grinding rep is just a bunch of boring dailies for a month yahoo! THIS IS CONTENT !


Can we get a global xp buff for leveling alts until 9.2 comes out?

There already WoWHead and MMOChampion that give the same updates. They even go more in depth with datamined information, so players can find out way in advance changes that are coming.

This is very basic and even mostly already know if you have looked at the in-game calendrer or wow info site.

This is the problem their symbiotic relationship has. The wow developers expect you to use wowhead for everything which should have never been the case to begin with.

Have an inGame problem? Look into the wow article and comments!

yeah I been having to go back and look at WoWhead more than ever this expansion. So many quest poorly explained or just bugged. The developers have really taken the lease amount of effort this expansion.

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No love for seasons of mastery?

after one years break from wow.
i have come back and see the same s… happening again.

to help me try to bypass i had decided to level up a new character from the ground from preventing me to burn out of chortia and all.

first day aleardy in shadowland maw introduction done.

day 2 aleardy at the start of nigh fea home.

day 3 almost done with night fea story quest and aleardy 59 1/4 from 60.

if i continue that route i will be 60, will have been grinding chortia and maw nearly 226 ilvl at the end of the next week end.

my average time spend on the game are between 4-12 hour a day, the lowest hour i play are when i have finish worked.

my highes play hour when im on my day off from work, while doing my real life chore list laundry,grocery and house clean thing.

i’m not ur typical casual who can afford 2 hour day, my simpler life permit me to pass more time on the games then the average player.

but seriously i will hit the burn out pretty quickly because their is nothing to do that i have the interest and worth my time after i attaint my goal, i have aleardy clearing sod on another character and i clearly dont to do it again because the raid is meh to me.

im not interested into collecting stuff, pvp,m+, pet battle.

my post here is to explain that i have seen no real improvement and looking at 9.2 i will surely unsubscribe keep looking around to see, but in my first time i don’t event looking forward the next expansion or event thinking about pre ordering it or simply buy it.

I’m just going to leave this here, for visibility or something. Not that Blizzard cares to fix their own bugs (someone, prove me wrong).

Hey Blizzard. If you are seeing this or actually responding to the Community. Plz just end Shadowlands and have us return back Azeroth that feels Warcraft where the Story belongs. Because the Story is beyond broken at this point and I really want to see characters to have the spotlight more on the Alliance than just Genn, Anduin, Jaina, Tyrande alot, and etc from BFA.

Also I really hope you make the game good again in terms of bringing back the Talent System in Vanilla Classic on to Retail, More Better Character Customization Options than what we got now, Give all the Heritage Armor Sets to Races that needs them like Draenei, Trolls, Orcs, Humans, Night Elves, Undead, and Pandaren along with the better reworks of Heritage Armors for Void Elves other races. Tier Raid Sets that is actually class identity themed rather than boring raid gear like BFA and Shadowlands had, stop making Flying unused in years since WoD like go back to the Days of Outlands and Wrath where it was needed for Flying as well as Cata and Mists, Bring back the Strand of the Ancients BG instead of removing it, and so much more damage that has been ruined for years on end now.

Basically bring us back to Azeroth with Better Old/New Gameplay, Better Healthy Player experience, and etc.