World of Warcraft and the LGBTQ Community Member's Experience

I’m beginning to miss the barely coherent “I quit” threads.


Those people all quit. Only forum warriors are left.


And people passing time while they are work. That’s what I do a lot of the time.

I feel like we’re shooting at the walls of heartache, then.

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I agree. Nerf shamans!

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Except this one has almost 200 posts already. It’s hardly a burner toon.

One trend I have noticed, and a ton of empirical evidence is available, is that these threads, even non-aggressive good faith posts like this one attract a disproportionate amount of people complaining about them, to the point that the derogatory comments make up the bulk of the thread.

Be honest with the rest of us and tell us why you ignore the myriad of dumb, whiney threads and specifically react to LGTBQ threads?

What is it about this thread that drew your negative reaction? There’s no lobbying, no demands, no shaming, no “shoving things down your throat” as is often the complaint. Just honest questions. Yet still, there’s an immediate negative reaction to it.

Funny how the ones giving those reactions don’t give the same negativity when the term LGTBQ isn’t involved.


There’s already a gay thread. Go to that one.


I think the reason LGBT issues come up so often is that people know that threads about those issues always end up being very popular, as so many people post in them

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I think one reason LGBT threads come up quite so often is one or more players who post them on multiple alts and bump them.


“This is our water fountain. Go use your own, boy!”


i’m getting tired of hearing about it even if i usually dont care heh.

the trolls be winning.

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The mods have said that they have investigated allegations of sockpuppeting that are regularly thrown around on this forum and they’re like, almost always false as far as they can tell!

I don’t? I talk in other threads all the time or I’ll observe.

If you read some of my other posts, wasn’t negative at all and it looks like the OP just had a genuine question and that’s fine.

To be fair, the trolling person I responded to in another thread claimed to have had different things done to them in a different thread on the arena forums that honestly should have involved the FBI.

When I saw another thread, on a similar topic, that seams to pop up every day, of course I’m going to start thinking there’s some kind of correlation.

I could care less what people are into. I just don’t want to see threads that have good intention behind em mixed up with troll threads.

Here’s the other post that you missed.

To add: There seams to be some pretty positive things that did come forth from the thread. People gave their honest opinions on what the OP was asking for.

I have never seen the mods make a statement like that.

There are several players who have been responded to by other players bringing up the alts they have posted such thread on. They have not denied it.

I think i can come up with something class related thats pretty good. It might involve some actual logic instead of anger at being outdpsed / getting rekt in pvp by a class though so i hope thats okay

I will openly admit that I tend to be a troll and a jerk to boot. But in this case. I applaud the OP for at least opening a dialogue and attempting to give people in the lgbtq community a voice in the general forum. As much as a bad guy that I am I will support freedom of expression. Everyone should be treated with respect and dignity and be afforded an opinion.

I think in this case, many people don’t take threads like these seriously because so many people have used them to concern troll in the recent past that there’s not much reason to expend actual mental energy on them. Kind of a boy who cried wolf scenario we got goin on here.


NAw your not nuts, I’ve noticed this as well. lol

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Exactly pinar. At first i thought this was another troll thread but looks like op had a vallid post / question and so far people are responding pretty decently. There are a few questionable posts but not nearly as crazy as they normally are.

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But, as I am cis-het, I don’t suppose the issue is something that I pay much attention to, either. Because LGBTQ+ folks are people like everyone else, I suspect their experience/reasons for playing WoW are as varied as everyone else’s experience/reasons.

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