World of Warcraft All Female Army

I figure nobody really knows of all of them and what they did just by the nature of who writes history (or copy/pastes it as the monks often did) :wink:

But yeah, everything is open to a bit of interpretation - unless you were there.

Now in the case of Ukraine I have a cousin there who used to be in finance in Odessa - she now is part of a drone team fighting the “orc” invaders.

Of that I am certain.

Apparently this scene was so disturbingly realistic that vets were having to get up from their seats in theatres:

Because pandering

when did we compete against elves in the Olympics? And in many settings elves are physical strength is the same - take DnD the main elf god is androgynous and dark elves females are physically stronger then men (thanks to loth)

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Amazons are totally real.

I saw an episode of Futurama with them!

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That was a documentary

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Uh Huh…


Who cares?

This whole post screams, “where are my manly men blizzard!”

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Why is it always pandering when women get featured but never pandering when men get featured?

Why does “because pandering” always come up whenever a non-male, non-white, non-straight character or a group of characters appears?


Because it is fiction.

Human history shouldn’t factor into it. The same goes for modern politics and any other BS from the real world.


This :point_up_2: :+1:

Honestly, I think an all female army has a lot more interesting cultural implications than an all male army simply because our culture tends to act like “male = strong, protector, provider, and female = fragile, nurturer, submissive.” We’ve seen all male armies, we’ve seen co-ed armies, all female armies are less heard of, and the idea of women being the strong protectors is refreshing for some of us.


i think you just answered your question.

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Clearly you’ve not been playing korean mmos

The bait is strong with that line, anywho popcorn anyone?


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