World of Warcraft All Female Army

my good dude the Sentinels are part of vanilla wow’s lore this ain’t a new thing


Look, I hate DEI as much as most people pretend not to… but Night Elves have been doing all female armies since long before it was what everyone pretends is cool nowadays.


I know of the night elves female army but do any of the other races in world of warcraft have entire female armies?

When have women ever been better at anything physical than men? Look at sports.


Not since WC3, sadly. I enjoyed the whole savage Amazonian-theme they had going back then… They feel so watered down and homogenized now.

Also, why is this guy’s post being hidden? I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Remember it’s only been recent, that the ban prohibiting women from being allowed to serve in combat (Jan 24, 2013) was removed…

I found this in wowpedia:

The Sentinels (officially the Sentinel Army) are the primary military arm of the night elf race. Founded in the years following the War of the Ancients and the destruction of the old Kaldorei Empire, the Sentinels serve as Darnassus’s army in its engagements throughout Kalimdor and beyond.

The organization is composed of devout and well-trained warriors, often with strong ties to the Sisterhood of Elune. The Sentinels form the majority night elven component of the Darnassian Army, which encompasses numerous other beings and unit types.

In the wake of its war with the Burning Legion, High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind led the night elf race, and particularly the Sisterhood, in rebuilding their ruined society. Her order was uniquely poised to fill a power vacuum as a result of their numbers and influence, and Tyrande soon took advantage of this. From the ranks of the Sisterhood of Elune, she forged the Sentinels, whose duty it was to protect their newly-emergent society. Quickly cementing itself in this role, the Sentinels became the fledgling night elf nation’s primary agents and guardians.

In the millennia to come, the Sentinels would take part in many conflicts on behalf of Darnassus, most immediately in the War of the Satyr. Over time, the army’s composition would begin to change, incorporating more male night elves into its ranks, and utilizing more military hardware. Today, Tyrande is recognized as their former general, and the Sentinel Army is led in battle by the distinguished General Shandris Feathermoon, with its largest base of operations (outside of Darnassus) at Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas.

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Probably conditioning. Even games are prone to real life societal pressures.

I don’t watch tv or movies so I wouldn’t know if this is also happening there but if it is, then it’s most likely conditioning.

So just we are on the same page.

We all agree that the premise is wrong? That this is not a recent gaming phenomenon?

Otherwise the “modern gaming” thing is going to be so vague to incorporate almost the entire history of gaming and history of the world? Making the adjectives sorta silly.


My guess this all started with the total war series of games back in the early middle 2000s.
I remember how gamers in the total war forum were disusing the validity of more female units in their games. A lot of the opinions seemed to be based on the ancient Greek mythology of an army of all female warriors called Amazons. The argument revolved around whether the Amazons actually existed or were just made up stories.

Because an all body type 2 looks cool, uniformity is eye catching at times.

A variety of games in the early to mid 2000s had all female armies.

Mass Effect 1 was released 2007. It had the Asari. An all female race, who had their own armies.

WC3 was also early 2000s. Which definitely had Sentinel units.

In the last few years women have been beating records held by men. Some sports and organizations are even not allowing all women to compete because some are too good at their sport and they dominate everyone else.

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ekil skool ytiligarf elam tahw si siht


As an example, the World Athletics Council will not allow all women to compete in all competitions anymore due to them being so much better other women. It’s horrible, but it’s not the only sport that is putting restrictions on women.

I think I get what you are getting at :rofl:.

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When, in all of human history, have we been able to:

  • Rub our hands together to summon horses/dragons/wolves to ride?
  • Use jazz hands to bring people back from the dead?
  • Teleport to other worlds and timelines by using a rock?
  • Turn into bears, cheetahs, birds, dolphins, and elk?
  • Fought the undead with the help of other undead?
  • Use jazz hands to turn people into sheep/cats/turtles/frogs?

Look, I get it: women are scary, but it will be okay.

