World of Warcraft®: War of the Scaleborn Now Available for Pre-Order

$29? oof


I miss the days of being so invested in the story that I’d gobble up all the outside book lore. But nothing about the game really inspires me to delve deeper anymore.

Hopefully it’s a good read for those that are still inspired to look into it.


Any word on the Trader’s Tender images datamined in the 10.1.5 Public Test Realm? Strange you are so silent about this…

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Idk at least with this one I feel safe not caring about it. The story in DF is weak af and no book is going to redeem how terribly written the Dragon Aspects are in game.




I’m sure quite a few people will get these and thats great…

However I do hope (really hope) we get to see whatever happends added into the game, if not and I’m being extremely honest here, I’ll just go to Youtube to get updated on it, if I happend to find myself lost in the story events in-game because it was mention outside it.

Also probably if its not in game, I will take it as my queue to take a long break from WoW… as all my friends are barely playing or they drop their subs to play other games.

That being said, it does looks and reads as an interesting story, definitely will look it up on Youtube if not in-game.

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This one reads.

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“were adding more lore to wow but instead of putting it INGAME for everyone to know in a quest, were leaving the super cool parts in a book you have to pay for and most will forget exists in a month”. And you wonder why your lore is trash. 20% ingame, 80% in books.


How does someone who’s played the game longer than this book Author get their fanfiction approved as an official Novel?


Reminds me of Falling Down.

Do you guys actually have an audience that buy these kinds of books?

Even in-game, i don’t see DF lore to be very captivating, i can’t believe people actually pay to buy a book for it LOL

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only in English? :c

The languages that I have confirmation on that the book will be available in are French, German, Spanish, Korean, Hungarian, and Polish. There aren’t any dates on the pre-order I can share on those yet, but they are coming.

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I’ll probably buy it anyways but that would be neat.

Meh you know there’ll be a wiki summary 15 minutes after it releases.

Sure, I’ve bought every WoW book. They’re quick reads, I like the universe, and I still get an employee discount at the bookstore I used to run. Why wouldn’t I?

Took the words right out of my mouth. And people won’t why I don’t follow the lore anymore lol

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this game lore is garb imagine payin $30 lol

I love Alexstrasza! She is beautiful and chonky/fat! I cant wait to see more of her! Hyped for the book. I love dragons so yea.

Will the book be available in audio format?

Books tends to fill gaps between (or before) what we see in-game, but are not necessary to make sense of what we experience in-game.

I think the Garrosh stuff between MoP and WoD is the only real exception, and they had a short story on the website for the quick and dirty version of it. Which is still a poor way of handling that transition, but still. That’s the only one I can think of that felt like you were supposed to do external reading to know what’s going on.