World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ Announced!

No one cares what you want either, but we’re all free to say what we think about it.

How can you even tell if this is a “proper wow game” based on the very little information we received today? On the surface, I think it looks mid at best.

Please share your definition of “proper wow game” so we can all see if we’re on the same page about it.


Well then as the lucky recipient of the things he wants… Congrats to me. Lol! :rofl:

You didn’t even answer my question.

You sound like someone who impulse buys everything based on limited information because it looks shiny, new, and has a single feature that appeals to you. You’re exactly the kind of customer businesses want. Congrats, indeed.


I’m a huge fan of Chris Metzen… I’ve loved his works for many years and know much about him. I trust what he has presented to us… I want this!


A reskinned dark iron dwarf allied race … meh. Very meh.


It’s cool most of us returning players only needed like 6-7 races… who cares

looks at the alt army crammed around the table vying for a turn to be played

“ok everyone move over a space, we have someone new coming”


I just love how everyone who believed the “leaks” just got showed that the “leakers” were just pulling stuff out of their behind, and there was no leak. I mean that’s only like the 8th time it’s happened, surely this “leak” was true right? Certainly it wasn’t just people making up stuff for clickbait, right?

tell that to my dry cleaner…
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Are they paying you to act this way?

Oh thank you Light the Hero talents sound like they won’t suck.

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Yes in the form of content I’ve always wanted and the return of Chris Metzen…

Another love letter to the Alliance. But hey at least they remembered to put Thrall way in the back, this time.


No mention of fishing content, no fishing class unveil, no cephalopod race, what fresh hell is this?


you’re picturing it now aren’t you?

So, that giant Sword is back and Anduin is smoking hot.

You have my undivided attention, Blizzard.


Oh HELL yes, playable earthen let’s go!

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suspicious look

Are you helping me or mocking me?

That cinematic though :cry: