World Buff NPC

Only if they cost gold to get the buffs. We desperately need a gold sink; not just a means to shuffle gold between players.


Nah. The only reason they did that in China is because China never had vanilla. We take the bad with the good with Classic.

Also, there is no “remainder” of vanilla Classic. It’s going to extend well beyond TBC launch. So if you’re moving on to TBC and not sticking to vanilla Classic then please don’t ask for vanilla to be changed.


No changes.


That was hard to read.

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You don’t have to get the buffs if you don’t want them, that simple.

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You only send one item per mail. Right?

You also don’t play this game. Because the launcher and client isn’t actually from Vanilla. Right?

OH! And you don’t have the new water texture. Right?

You also have never traded or accepted a trade from others for gear from raids; once it’s MLed that’s it. Right?

You’ll also setup a weak aura to tell you when you’d be able to perform an action, since they’re removing the spell batching (essentially). ((Gotta keep that Vanilla feel.)) Right?


It’s the internet, don’t expect perfect grammar or punctuation. I’m confident you understood the message though.

Appreciate your contribution to the thread.

Likewise. You don’t have to coordinate in discord if you don’t want to get the buffs. If you don’t want to deal with coordinating buffs then you don’t need to get them.

I’ll continue getting them in the vanilla way with a smile on my face because I want to get them.


:roll_eyes: So the minority rules here in your defense? The majority of players want buffs. That’s the experience on my server and I’m willing to go out on a limb here and state it’s the same way on other servers.



Yep. What’s your point? That if people want buffs badly enough they should just get them with little effort?

No. If people want something they’ll put in the effort. If not then they don’t get the thing. That’s how it works.



All of those are changes I opposed.

Do you think listing a bunch of changes I didn’t want somehow convinces me that we should have more changes?


Your idea is bad.


Exactly, my point is fairly simple, add an NPC to give world buffs. If you want them, great, there it is. If you don’t, then don’t get them.

Appreciate you clarifying how it works now, I wasn’t aware :roll_eyes: . I’m asking for a change to this. How does this hamper your experience if you don’t want to get them, then don’t. You can still farm them and they would still go off as they currently do, if that’s what you want. If you don’t want to raid with them, then don’t.

This is an idea I can get behind

Agree with this. Add a cost and cooldown.

You don’t have a clue what no changes was intended to mean

Same, would be worth it

Are you kidding? Its meaning is pretty self-evident.

Just because you wanted some changes doesn’t mean I don’t have a clue about what NO changes means.

Get a grip.


Literal “no changes” is impossible and trying to make it happen is damaging… I’m not the one lacking a grip