<Work in Progress> 8/8N 1/8H Recruiting DPS and HEALERS for War Within content! TUES/THURS 8:30-10:30 PM EST

Work in Progress is currently recruiting DPS and HEALERS for CORE raid spots in The War Within!

Recruit Needs:
Fury/Arms Warrior
Priest (Any Spec)
Resto Druid
Mage (Any Spec)

About Us:

We are a very new (brand new to be exact) guild formed from a rag tag group of gamers looking to push content. is aspiring to be a long-term guild. Many of us have been playing with each other for over 15 years, but have been in different raid groups. Leadership has vast experience spanning from CE, AOTC, 3K IO gamers, and a couple hardo glads. Raid leader is currently 8/8 N and 6/8 H in Nerub’ar Palace. We are ultimately looking to clear content efficiently while having fun doing so. Our short-term goal is to have every member obtain AOTC. If we have the numbers and mental capacity, we will dabble in Mythic.


We will be raiding Tues/Thurs 8:30-10:30 PM EST. We require near 100% raid attendance. With that being said, we understand IRL obligations pop up from time to time. All we ask is that you communicate you will be unable to make a raid. It’s not fair to have a group wait around for you when you know you aren’t going to show up.


We are looking for members that want to be a part of this guild for the long term. You don’t have to be a Cutting Edge, RWF, sweatlord to join, but basic knowledge of your class/rotation is helpful. As stated above, we are looking to get everyone AOTC. We are prioritizing dedication over everything.

With that being said, we will always prioritize player over class and if you believe you would be a good fit, please reach out.


If you’re interested in joining or have any questions/concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Discord: Richarino or Dahmonka

Battlenet: Richarino#1648 or Drew#1630

BUMP - RL here

Good morning! Still looking for more :slight_smile:

Bumpin again

Where are the mages, evokers, priests, and space chickens at?

Lets get it boys

I’m a fury warrior and am currently in a casual guild that has no intentions of ever progging in Mythic, but will eventually obtain AOTC.

I’m searching for a guild who intends to step into Mythic with the aim to hit cutting edge every tier.

I’ve obtained similar goals while raiding in classic since 2019 across the board and coming back to retail.

I primarily play melee characters, but do dabble in some ranged dps.

Fury / Arms - 604 ilvl at current
Ret Paladin - 575
Arcane mage - 578
Windwalker Monk - 570
Hunter - 575 (survival / MM are my personal tastes)
Shaman Elemental / Enhancement - 575

can easily level the rest of my characters from 60/70 to 80 within a few hours and get to 570/580 fairly quick.

Your raid times will work with what i’m seeking.

bnet - Xareius#1529

Added you brother!

Raiding tonight at 8:30 EST

added you back I’ll be on later this afternoon. been running timewalking on pretty much every alt so far to boost that ilvl.

Hey there! Returning player and have been loving this expac so far. I’ve been looking for a spec and I’ve decided on Disc Priest (really feelings this spec). Little lower on the ilvl but I am committed to improving. Would love to chat about possibilities!