Worgen Tails

lol Wow. Why all of this hate?

First of all, they are werewolves. I mean I don’t know how you can argue this. That’s like saying Warcraft orcs aren’t Klingons.

Secondly, why the heck not? I don’t think I’d give my worgen toon a tail, but I see no reason not to make it an option for those who want it.

The theme of the Shadowlands customization options seems to be Blizz making up for 15 years of fairly limited base character model variations. We have brand new skin colors, hair colors, tattoos and high elves. Worgen tails are fine.


More grumpos who want to prevent options for other players. So weird.

Werewolves have have been depicted with tails for thousands of years, in cultures across the entire planet. Relatively recent hollywood depictions in the mid-1900s with Universal monster movies didnt have tails (sometimes) because of budget and effect limitations.

Werewolves usually have tails. People weirdly insisting they shouldn’t or can’t are utterly confusing for this reason.

We’re talking about an option for players to have tails. It will improve their silhouette, enrich the game world and finally, finally stop looking so weird since cataclysm, when we had to make bipedal wolf characters with inexplicable ape-butts.

inb4 “iT’s NoT tHe LoRe!!!”
This is a game where purple supermodel women shoot lasers and green pig men engineer airships, some wolf people can have a damn tail. Have a seat.

Give worgen tail options!


The left shoulder on the male Worgen model would like to have a word with you. Pls fix


Who cares about lore and mythology? It’s a fantasy game and most people agree they would just generally look better with them as an OPTION. If you don’t want them to suit your lore-loving fantasies then you don’t need to put it on your character!


Do any of you have a better argument other than it being optional? It’s the same as asking to have Draenei not have hooves.

Also need to think of something better than “muh fAnTasY!”


Do you have a better argument other than “do you have a better argument”? Because now that all of a sudden belfs can have rainbow eyes for some crazy how, I think worgen tails can clear the bar.


belfs are using contacts obviously


Giving players more agency over how they relate to their character, as is a theme in shadowlands, is an argument for the addition of an optional tail.
Gib tailz nao plz


werewolves have tails? did lon chaney jr have a tail? what werewolf has a tail?

i don’t want a tail on my worgen. :man_facepalming:


source please. …and i want to see the 2,000 year old source.


If you’re sincere, you can find 13,000 year old cave art that shows wolf-people with tails.
Google “the sorcerer cave painting”. There are so many other examples, though.

What do they taste like?

Elder Scrolls werewolves.


Well… Diablo 2 druid has a tail in werewolf form. That’s even blizz to boot.


this man is asking the real questions and no one has the courage to answer him


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Good thing it would be optional then right?

Nah, Blizzard has a long history of forcing people into customization choices. :man_shrugging:


I wish everyone who read the OP understood that it did not mean “Give every worgen a tail” but just “Give worgen the option to have a tail”. I thought it was obvious what “Give worgen tails” meant, but then again, some people read “Black Lives Matter” and really think it means “Only Black Lives Matter” (which nobody is saying) so I should not be surprised.


No worgen tails o7


No worgen tails:
A tragedy of flat butts.
Give us swishy bits.
~A haiku by yaash.


Worgen players are generally the coolest alliance players I know. Vulpera support access to tail options too.

I support the tails!

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