Worgen still need work - solid true black fur, posture for males, tails, paladins and monks

I agree. Worgen Shamans would look sick. Lore might be an issue, but im sure Blizzard can find a way around that.

I think the closest thing would be an outlaw rogue, we have already seen it in “stealth” before attacking Sylvanas with surprise attacks and usually use saber + pistol (and his obvious leather coat)


Do we have any confirmation about the separated customization including all the human form options, by the way? As in, all the options humans get? Or are we still incredibly limited?

WoWhead doesn’t seem interested enough in the worgen to confirm or deny the black fur that was supposedly datamined or to detail that in their post. Does anyone know?

As far as I can tell, it’s confirmed that Worgen human form is getting all of the new human customization options.

This means Worgen human form can now have grey hair, can be bald, and won’t have to deal with having a bugged hairstyle option like on Live at the moment.


Ahh, sweet. That in itself is a big improvement, at least.

Now if we just had the actual black fur…

I’d like if Worgen players were allowed to transmog their Worgen and Human attire separately. Some gear that look great on the Human model look silly on the Worgen.


That’s a good idea. What I’d love to see most is torn-up looking armor and clothes in worgen form, the way that Forsaken players get that when they have their bones showing (not sure if they will when they’re not showing?).

that’d be perfect for a werewolf.


I know I’m late to the party on this topic but YES! FINALLY!, now all we need is optional tails, claw weapons for melee classes and maybe the current human updates to come to Gilneans and worgen will be down right perfect.


Great list here!

The missing tail options are what bother me most of all. It is absolutely bizarre that they don’t have any.

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Well for the longest time I did sort of play a human Druid because the horrible female model.

I want a corgen customization option.

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I thought about roleplaying as one but… is it still doable now? Does Two Forms has a GCD?

How recent was the GCD chance? because it was working for me a few weeks ago when I tried.

I use a macro that switches between Cat and Bear so I don’t accidentally drop form in combat. Then a seperate macro to cast Two Forms and Cancel Form.

I don’t think the command to Cancel Form is on the GCD.

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Nice. Thank you.

A tail.


ah yes please, this is one of the few things i rly want

no thanks, elder scrolls online os over there.

for tank it would make no sense

but a dire wolf travel form is a must

No worries, let me know if you want the macros, but they aren’t too hard to work out.

YES, This would be Super easy too. barely an inconvenience.

It would let Worgen play out that feral werewolf aesthetic in combat.


I wanna see a Subrace of Cat People into the Worgen Customization Options along with the Sethrak.


Still wanting Sethrak as a playable race myself! Haven’t given up hope. Not one bit.