Worgen Need Tails!

Please and thank you

Also better racials while yer at it, but at the very least tehy need tails, they just look weird and awkward without’em


There’s already a megathread for this.

And I still vehemently disagree.


But why? Times change why cant the Worgen curse? What about the request Dracthyr have to have other race visage forms? What if people said no you can’t ask for that. It’s it a bit silly?


If the reason is “iTs a CuRsE”, most versions of Werewolves have tails, in fact I can’t think of a single time I’ve seen them in media without a tail outside of WoW


I think they’d look great with tails but they’re also supposed to be resembling humans that were cursed. :robot::thought_balloon:

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american werewolf in london and paris for one
ginger snaps

Too bad. Give Worgen Tails.


They had tails in that?

nope they did not

I think its getting to where more media has them with tails now than without.

Everyone has their own opinion but the worgen are also entitled to some new stuff. Dracthyr use our frame yet have a tail so only right worgen get a tail option

Also OP there’s a thread already for asking for worgen to get tails… Sendryn shared it. Also a community council thread asking for such and more for worgen as well… so here’s hoping Blizzard doesn’t ignore it’s own council at least


Give worgen tails pls :slight_smile:


Worgen have never had tails. They should not get tails. There is no reason for them to get tails other than people not knowing how to accept established lore. They would look absolutely weird with them considering they have never in the history of this game had them.

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I believe in the original werewolf movies, the classics, the werewolves tended toward having no tails and that’s what Blizzard emulated when creating them.

If you recall, Cataclysm arrived around the same time the Twilight series was at its zenith, so if I had to make any speculation they went that classic direction due to all the criticism that Twilight received for going the sparkly route with vampires. Pop culture has always influenced WoW, while my theory is pure speculation the pop culture trend following or bucking has been confirmed by Blizzard in interviews in the past.

Anyway, worgen tails yes kthx!

And we never had manari running around in the Alliance until now. Just have it be that Goldrinn bless worgen extra or something in a quest and there you go!

Also concept art of worgen had them with tails. The skeletons have tails that aren’t being used, and other races that use the skeleton have tails, like the Saberon.


Hard no, Worgen have never had tails in the canon.
Doesn’t make sense to suddenly change that just because.

It was a very clear design choice that Blizzard has stuck with, and it hasn’t been drifted away from each time Worgen have had relevance. Didn’t happen with their heritage armor, didn’t happen with their updated models, didn’t happen with their wave of customization, etc. They don’t plan on it, as it’s not their intent for the WoW take on Werewolves to have tails. And just because one game has werewolves with tails doesn’t mean WoW must do the same.

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So been playing a lot of Everquest lately while I’m waiting on 10.2.5 and ya know…even their werewolves have tails. So yeah. Blizzard has no excuse. Other than they are cowards, and exceptionally lazy. Add it as an option already


worgen players be careful what you think is good
if you get the tails the cloaks on the males will be wonky and floating about a few inches off the tails

Cloaks in WoW look terrible already. So no problem there chief.


My cloaks are perpetually hidden tbh. I just don’t like a cloak, unless it like… Spawn’s cloak, or Batman. Now that’d be fire.

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