Ooo… very good question. The question of the Gilneas and worgen starter zone timeline is one that just can’t be answered, because of how vauge the writers have been in all sources. In the starter zone, it gives a transition via cinematic from the city’s fall to Liam with facial hair and the Forsaken attacking. In Curse of the Worgen, it does the exact same thing, literally saying “Some time later…” instead of giving exact days like the comic does leading up to the attack. Here is what we do know;
15-18 - The Alliance Splinters. The Alliance wants to tax Gilneas to keep the orcs in internment camps, Genn says no and builds a wall.
20 - Lordaeron falls to the Scourge, and the dead march on the Greymane wall. Genn has Arugal summon the worgen to fight the undead. The worgen rebel and thrive in Silverpine, then dig under the wall and begin the Wolf Cult in Gilneas.
(Shortly after) - Velinde Starsong summons worgen in Felwood as well. She travels towards Gilneas, but dies in Duskwood, leaving the Scythe to be found there by the Defias Brotherhood, who inadvertently summon the Nightbane worgen in Duskwood.
22 - Darius Crowley disobeys Genn, and sends his men to help Jaina Proudmore. Tensions are already high in Gilneas thanks to a famine, division between social classes, and rumors of wolfmen. The Northgate Rebellion occers shortly after.
28 - Gilneas falls.
33 - Battle for Azeroth begins
The Wolf Cult’s worgen launch their attack on Gilneas well after the end of the civil war. Some time passes between the worgen attack and the Forsaken attack, which strikes when the Cataclysm does (the forsaken can sail in to Gilneas because the cataclysm broke the coral reef). “Some time” may mean a month, since the moon phases change in the cinematic and we seen the full moon both before and after the timejump in the comic. And of course the Gilneans join the Alliance in an Alliance leaders meeting in Darnassus shortly after that.
In short, the worgen starting zone starts somewhere between year 22 (after dark portal) and year 28. Where exactly in those six years is left vague, and so is anyone’s guess. But to be safe, I would wager it all occured in the year (or two) before the wall’s fall.
(Ditto on the phone thing, apologizes for any odd auto corrects i might’ve missed. And thankyou for your question! The worgen timelime and the fall of Gilneas is definitely a topic i should adress in my guide. Here’s some bacon.
Edit: I just re-examined the blackout gap as seen in the comic. Halford Ramsey is shot during the worgen attack, blacks out, and wakes up on his own when the Forsaken attack. So it couldnt have been long. In the cinematic, however, the change of the moon phases show the passage of time, from a full moon to a crescent means just under two weeks pass. But in any case, it could not have been months or years, since Halford Ramsey was waking up from a battle wound and not a coma.