Worgen Fans need love too

I am surprised a certain worgen hunter hasnt posted here with the spam of “Cookiees”, “Human potential” and attacking night elf posters and calling them “Arrogant” (the irony on the last one literally had me fall of my chair and had me hit my head in a table, but it was just hilarious to read)

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Given the patterns with Nelf and Forsaken…
If being beat into the dirt and made out to be either incompetent or villainous is the way to get relevance… I’m cool with worgen staying on the backburner, to be honest.


Worgen deserve some treats for being good boys and girls and giant forest they can roam over, people stop shaming their wolf forms and a huge victorian style city. Honestly not much they ask like settle old grudges as Sylvanas will be gone after SL

Oh how naïve you are :slight_smile:

If I ever decided to do Alliance i’d go Worgo. But then i’d be even more sad about my race than I am already.

I’m glad they didn’t do the San’layn. If they made a vampire allied race, they would all be a bunch of Louis’ that ate rats and complained about how much being a demi-god sucks.

On a positive note- bringing back single minded fury makes it so you can do the worgen with claws. That was a step in the right direction. we need to see worgen straight up mauling fools. Bloodfang’s pack needs to do some shady business, and turn some nightborne into feral worgen.

You’re being a little hyperbolic.

Greymane has been a huge face of the game for the past several years, and has had probably one of the better plot arcs in WoW, going from warmonger to cooling out a bit and being more even-handed in his approach to things.

Not quite sure where the “humiliation” even comes in tbqh. Is it not re-taking Gilneas? That’s most likely a fairness thing. The Horde doesn’t really have anything equivalent to Gilneas to get alongside the Alliance getting an extra town.

Well what about me, then? I am a worgen, and I liked the race’s introduction to the game. Honestly it’s the only race I think they haven’t mishandled in some way.


Really, she’s practically the main character of WoW at this point. She’s appeared in more promotional and cinematic material than any other WoW character, and has never taken a leave of absence like Thrall (who was arguably the face of Warcraft from 3 onward).

What I would like to see:

  1. Gilneas reclaimed. However, I think we can all agree this is likely never happening so at the least I would like to see some kind of Gilnean settlement made in like Duskwood or somewhere in Kalimdor, to show that they are resettling and rebuilding. Give us a “mini-city” the way Goblins got Bilgewater Harbor.

  2. Please make the worgen curse actually dangerous. Make it dark. Give us a story line where we find out the ritual is only a temporary fix (a plot they planned with Genn in WoD but dropped), but instead of making it something where they just redo the ritual make the Gilneans solve the issue themselves. Have Oliver Harris in Duskwood, Vassandra Stormclaw the druid, and Krennan Aranas come up with a new potion that Gilneans have to start taking to prevent themselves from going feral again. This way it makes the curse feel scary, it makes it feel dangerous, and adds an element of uncertainty so the rest of the Alliance is skeptical to be around Gilneans because they never know if they will lose it.

  3. Stop making Genn an Anduin bootlicker. It is tiring. He cares more about dumbass Anduin than he does his own daughter or people. Which goes against everything he is as a character.


It would’ve been interesting to see Humans (and maybe other races?) opting to become Worgen in BFA so they can’t become Forsaken, like some of the Hillsbrad refugees did in the Silverpine questline. BFA should’ve had more Val’kyr stuff going on.


Why isn’t that sufficient? If that’s what makes a player happy, what’s wrong with it?

This is not a game of deep introspection. I’m not sure that it should be.

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If I recall correctly, they were all dying of Sylvannas’ new plague.

I’m not sure what you’re referring to. The group of Hillsbrad refugees became Worgen so Sylvanas couldn’t make them Undead, not because they were dying from the plague. They also did it for power I guess, according to this link:



I don’t quite recall.

It doesn’t jell with Forsaken lore in which every risen Forsaken is given a choice on serving Sylvannas or going their own way.

Doing it for the power… that might make sense.

They’re referring to the Fenris Isle nobles, where Ivar gave the nobles a option. Become worgen or when the forsaken come, risk the forsaken raising them. They all became worgen.

I just wish they made Ivar the worgen faction leader, and had Genn lead the unafflicted gilnean humans.And I know it’s just me, but I wish the worgen were more like Ivar Bloodfang, rejecting their humanity and such.

Shrug In the end I suppose all I want is the ability to play the dark/grayish race blizzard promised to us 10+ yrs ago.



Is this quest in question. Cinematic starts at around 58 seconds in.

“We would rather die than be turned into worgen. But seeing as how even death provides no relief from the atrocities of this war… We choose vengeance!”


This is a great point. Blizzard handled the Worgen curse in the worst way possible in my opinion. There are two separate routes they could have taken the worgen curse but instead it’s like they tried to find some middle ground and failed horribly.

  1. The curse should have been just that a curse. Make it so that Gilneans ARE just cursed Humans, they are mostly human with this horrible curse that they have to fight and struggle with everyday, and that many try to hide. They have to use different methods to keep themselves in check to prevent themselves from going feral. This way they could have made it so that people can transform whenever they want, but also make it so that you automatically transform into a Worgen when your health reaches a certain point. To hit home the it’s a curse that comes out when you don’t want it to.

  2. Make it so that being a Worgen literally changes you into another race. You are no longer Human (even if you look like it some times) but that being in humn form is just a mask, their true self is their lupine form. When they have kids the curse is passed down to them because the curse turns the person into a different entity all together. Even their souls are that of their lupine form, and their brain chemistry is more animalistic.

But nah, it feels like Blizzard took those two options and mixed them together and we got a lackluster version of Worgen if you ask me.


To be honest, they just pulled “sure, everyone gets a choice” out of their backside after backlash regarding the Silverpine quests where people rise up and immediately go off to kill their still-living comrades and countrymen. Same with the Darkshore wisps. They weren’t a thing in the first pass of those quests in BFA-- you would just raise nelf rangers from the dead and they’d be all, “FOR THE FORSAKEN” and run off to kill the people they died to protect in the name of the people who killed them.

Sounds good on paper, but when I read this I just think, “People want to RP having puppies instead of children.”
HOWEVER, if the curse didn’t manifest until they were older, I think that’d be a feasible work-around to… uh, werewolf children. If the curse is so powerful that it drives fully-sane adults to feral madness without a special ritual to level it out, children would stand zero chance at all. They’d just be mindless, cursed beasts that run out into the woods to kill.


Oh this is what I meant. Honestly I personally believe the only reason Blizzard went the route that the curse doesn’t transfer to children is to avoid the very issue you just mentioned.

What they should have said was just that the curse passes down but remains dormant until a certain age, puberty or young adulthood or something. That way the curse still continues on without all the weird issues and problems of children worgen arising.

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That seems better, 'cause… I’ve seen people who roleplay out the fact that they had “worgen pups”, and I’m just here like



People are allowed to RP whatever they choose, long as it isn’t hurting anyone, but that’s me.