Woot! Fresh Classic HC August 24th!

That reminds me:
Blizz, you need to put some GO AGANE merch in the shop. T-shirts, temporary tattoos, plushes, you know that sort of thing.


I read FRESCO and I almost cream my pants. Massive disappointment when I read it was that silly HC mode. :frowning:

It’s a nope for me as well. I like the idea but not how it’s executed. It’s also during bg3 and too close to starfield for my liking. I like wow but not that much.

Looking forward to it.
It’s a fresh start which I love.

Would have liked more SSF but I’ll take what I can get.

With ah/trading it’s goin to be a mess imo.

Duel to death is pretty cool though

If only there were a way to play SSF without the server forcing you.


WoW returns to its hardcore audience.

Not the same without everyone on equal footing.
You know this :wink:


Will there be challenge achievements? For example, no pet hunter to 60? Or Daggers only rogue to 60?

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you’ll have to track them personally.

You can just use the SSF addon with all its achievements.


Its a personal challenge. Gain self control and stop being so dependent on what others are doing. Youre not gonna be the 1st to 60 anyway.


Nothing you said makes any sense other than just “trying” to sound cool on here. You know what I meant.

Good try tho :+1:t3:
I still think you are kewl.

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If you are being serious…

You DO know the server is HC, NOT SSF.
HC = Hard Core = 1 Life.
SSF = Solo Self Found = You do everything yourself without help of any kind.

SSF is not forced, It’s a CHOICE you decide to make.
Either way, if you DIE, your Character is no more.

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its pve so no

Fresh fresh with pvp

Just goes to show how out of touch with player base they really are

A hunter isn’t on equal footing with a warrior and yet life goes on. If you are SSF what others do shouldn’t affect you. You can still be SSF, and the rest of us who don’t want to play by dumb streamer rules can do our thing.

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good to finally have a date, yes :expressionless:
should be fun


The actual post:

You don’t need to add your own spam post, when there’s already one dedicated to it.

he says you can self-impose whatever rules you wish, and that you’re going to fail regardless.

Sarcasm detection has been disabled by Blizzard.