WOOO I LOVE getting **FIVE** anima from rares!

Rares aren’t a source of anima, they are for other drops lol.


  1. Drop anima.
  2. Are a source of anima.

Wow this conversation wrapped up quickly.

5 anima is a source of anima?

That’s why I’m complaining. Hello, welcome to my thread.

Incase you missed the obvious part of the argument: 5 anima is way lower than I am used to getting from rares. It’s why this thread was made with an exaggerated title.

But Legion was the same with its initial artifact power drops before artifact knowledge kicked in.

Why would they put a large amount of anima on a random mob that someone can kill in passing?

It was long enough ago that it’s hard to remember. I do recall unlocking my weapon’s stuff quicker than I unlock stuff in SL, but I could be wrong.

well i’d like one day on these forums without having anyone complain but one can always dream

I see you have faced many challenges, pity they were all in vain!

Shadowlands in a nutshell.

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Baedos actually takes quite a bit of time to get going. That said, plenty of rares I’ve killed drop at least 20.

You ask why they’d put lots on a rare right after I told you I’m used to getting more…I don’t understand why you’d ask a question that’s already answered. (Meaning they already do sometimes.)

Not to mention, you’re the first person to say “large amounts.” I just want more than 5 is all.

I’ve been on Blizzard forums for 16ish years, and WoW forums on and off for close to the same.

Never going to happen…the closest we got, was the suggestion forum. I loved that place, but maybe my rose-tinted glasses are making it seem better than it was. Mostly just low traffic and lots of ideas…RIP that place. :frowning:

So 10 anima and you will stop whining? I’m ok with that.

Nice, now we just need a dev to sign off on it. 10 anima minimum for rares!

What rares is taking you so long to kill? The only ones that take maybe 30 seconds to a minute are elites which makes sense. But elites usually give some sort of nice reward like a mount.

Are you talking solo or in a group? Killing a 80k HP mob in 30 seconds is definitely reasonable. In this case, it’s Baedos; his set-up is pretty long, and usually I’ve gotten 20+ anima from him.

Thread was made impulsively to replace my normal ‘idea’ threads that no one plays attention to, because I don’t care as much as I used to.

Well, I care enough to protest 5 anima, but I used to care a lot more. :open_mouth:

Exactly what I thought of, glad I’m not the only one.

You only need like 1000 anima a week don’t you? Which is really easy to get with callings and world quests dropping tonnes of 100-200 anima items. The rest is just for fun stuff.

I’ve taken the strategy of just not farming it. Problem solved.


It’s so easy. You only need 1k per week. About 8-10 world quests that reward it should do it. And you could just do two per day if you wanted. Nothing to it, really.

You get about 70-150ish per WQ tho. If the thing says something like 2, 3 or 4 on it, it’s that number of things of anima worth 35.

Exactly. Anima is basically just work order resources. Idk what everyone is freaking out about.