Wondering if a program will cause issues

Hello everyone, for my job (I work with Microsoft Azure) we use Teams, if you’re familiar with teams it has a auto-away function so if I am watching a Video or on the phone it shows me as away. I use a program called Caffeine that presses F15 every minute to avoid this. If I forget to turn this off would it show up on blizzards system that I am running a third party program? wanna know, if it will I will just put it on my laptop but I would rather be working on my desktop. Thanks Love u

I don’t think anyone here would be able to give you a definitive answer worth risking your account on beyond guessing.

No player would know the exact criteria or threshold or even if Blizzard has a program white-list or how they would see or detect this.

I also highly doubt the Community Managers would be able to confirm if this program is okay or not simply due to the secrecy required to keep their detection methods and systems secret from people who truly are nefarious.

If you are intent on playing wow on your down-time on your work machine, then I would recommend making sure such a program is completely disabled and off before opening the Blizzard Launcher at all, and not running the Launcher or WoW in the background when you are not going to be actively at your machine and playing.

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I know they at least used a program called Warden to check for people doing unauthorized things (eg. botting) but, like Grymauch said, it’s never been exactly clear what they’re looking for or how.

True. I am aware of bannable macro’s designed for wow inject themselves into the WoW.exe but this program doesn’t inject into anything but my system. I guess I was curious if anyone else runs this with WoW, I know I had it running and it didn’t keep my character from going AFK so I wonder if I am safe. /shrug probably best not to tempt it

Blizzard can see everything that ran on your system, and they do have some list of bannable program, Team is a well known program so i doubt they’ll ban you for it.

I tried to do a search for the program you mention, but because of the name (Caffeine), there are lot of false positives :wink:

People talk about playing Wow, while drinking Coffee, A LOT :wink:

However, I did find a thread about anti-afk stuff:

Lols, also saw that I posted in that thread (evidently it was about getting on servers on Classic Wow.)