WoD quest lines, Frostfire Ridge

Is my memory failing me or have the quest lines changed. This character just did the intro sequence up through establishing the basic garrison. What I remember is early on a quest chain begins taking you to the home of the Frostwolf orcs where you establish relations and h3lp storm the ogre fortress. No such series of quests have appeared, the only one I got after doing a couple to gather supplies from an ogre camp was to look up the warden Cordana Felsong that then leads to some quests involving a burning legion outpost

Did you do the quest to go to Ashran? (I can’t remember for sure, but it might be needed before the other quests are available. I just know I always seem to do it before I start the main quests.)

Also make sure you did the quest to build the barracks and pick up your first follower.

The only other case I can think of is the old 100 boosts had the first few quests flagged as completed and required you to actually go to Wor’gol to pick up the quest chain. However, that would only apply if you boosted the character long ago before they removed the auto- level 3 garrison from it. (So, if you did the other garrison start quests, this wouldn’t apply to you.)

Thanks, the secret turned out to be the quest obtained as soon as the garrison is established to kill a specific ogre. I had not completed that one, not remembering it was next step in the garrison process. Once that was done, it opened the quests to build a barracks, rescue the first follower and then send him on a mission that I think starts the quest chains involving the Frostwolf Orcs. At least the fumbling around got this character to lvl 30 so flying is now available :blush: