WoD Classic

Would anyone honestly play it?

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Not versus it’s competitors. WoD’s main problem (outside of the gold situation involving garrisons) was simply lack of content though, if they actually delivered the planned content in a classic it might actually be ok.

A lot of the classes still used the favoured design from MoP, however therein lies the issue. If WoD classic is released it no doubt means WotLK and MoP have also been released and would still be seen as superior versions.

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I have my doubts that they’ll go past Wrath TBH.

Wrath seems the logical endpoint for Classic. It’s when the game reached it’s peak and expansions after it either weren’t popular or aren’t old enough to be nostalgic.

WoD? No. Nope. Nah.

Wrath is likely as far as they’ll go… for now. But, let’s say they manage to not drive this game into the dirt and it keeps going. I would love for a Legion classic to show up.


I feel like after Wrath they are going to be getting major diminishing returns. Kind of curious what they plan on doing after it.

Not me.

You cant just re-release a previous expansion and just slap the Classic label on it. Classic means something, and that ended with WotLK. Anything after that expansion can never be called Classic, period.

If they added in all the stuff they cut? Yes, I would.

I would for the introduction quests. Set up my garrison and do missions like when it was live. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Could be the best one if they finish it the second time around, add all those cut features and content. Revive Ray D. Tear.

My classic play ends with WotLK. While I love MoP, WotLK is the end for me.

I am pretty sure they will stop after WotLKC. Maybe they would do MoPC but Cata was not well received as a whole and MoP was sort of the last of the original game prior to stat squishes.


WoD had the GREATEST PvP! Spammed Random Battlegrounds from beginning til end of that amazing expansion!!!

Well, considering WoDs main problem was lack of content, not the quality, they could do a 9 month expansion and it would probably do fine.

I think it’s the logical endpoint for Classic because past that the old zones get revamped, thereby nullifying any point to classic in the first place