"Within Next Few Months."

Come on, you know!.. its that thing, the community has been asking for, forever! We rage on the forums everyday for it… the system includes:

  • Better class design
  • Pvp vendors
  • More/skills abilities
  • More stats
  • Improved professions
  • Reducing RNG
  • Removing GCD
  • Seperating PVP from PVE
  • Adding guild and player halls
  • Removing sharding
  • Adding systems that promote player choice
  • New character customization options
  • Removing TF/WF
  • Class/tier sets with bonuses
  • Class balance
  • New exciting gear and weapon design
  • New and improved reward structure
  • Removal of the neck/azerite system

Just to name a few! Oh theres a ton of things!.. ur but wait… maybe this isnt that thing… but it has to be cool tho, right?

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I think BFA in general is a good example of why stuff shouldn’t be rushed out the door to satisfy impatient people on forums.

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It is cool, actually.

It is okay to be salty about not getting any of the other things though. Most of us here feel your pain about at least one of them. :laughing:

I’d say that’s likely what is going to happen.

I think it is a typo. We should be seeing the patch in the next few weeks. Seeing how some of these press releases are wrote weeks prior to them being announced to the public, it is understandable if they mess up the timing.

Edit: Bornakk just confirmed that it was a typo and it has already been fixed.

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Within the next few months could actually mean any time between next week and December. I suspect it will go live right before the Anniversary event.

Three months since 8.2.0 was released is a meaningless marker.

“within the next few weeks”

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8.2.5 is a mount farming patch…lol.the least content patch i have seen.

at least i got classic to play.

No, you pay a sub to get access to their servers. Whether there’s new content is up to Blizzard. There’s no guarantee or stipulation that there will be new content all the time.

The only service they provide is access to the game servers. No amount of bad-mouthing people who don’t agree with you will change that fact.

Patches are not “small”. Hotfixes are small. There’s a lot of work involved with patches, no matter the size. Stop complaining about stuff you have no idea how it works.

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It’s worth noting that Bornakk said they corrected the page / the information to say 8.2.5 will drop in the next few weeks. Not months. So it won’t be that long.



months, within months more content that looks like it’s made for an end of expansion, it smells like there’s not even an 8.3

I hope it’s just paranohia on my part but something I designed that I will have to give the game vacations.


“Party Sync will become available when the upcoming 8.2.5 content update goes live in the next few weeks”

For one, it only confirms my criticism of what was written as a rather late content drop-- it would be too late ‘in a few months’. Secondly, they also used the same ‘next few months’ phrase with Recruit-a-Friend-- which is another 8.2.5 system.

Believe it or not I am actually very happy this was a mistake. However, I can only work with what they tell us.

There really is nothing left to this thread, so it can wind down.

Steam shows that as April 2020 so unless there’s something I’m missing you (and I) won’t be playing that til well after 8.3 heh.

Did it get delayed?

God damn it.

That’s just the available date Steam has listed. I put it on my wishlist and noticed it yesterday when I went to check something. Made me sad. All the videos coming out I had thought it was going to be sooner than that. But I just did a google search on it and it shows as April 16th, 2020 as the official release date too.

Better delayed and polished than sticking to a release date when it turns out a lot of crap is broken.


Players want stuff now, but yet dont want things to be rushed. I think Blizzard has enough employees to make the game great, but want to wait a year for ‘The Big Surprise’ because it makes alot of money. I mean Blizzcon is alot of money and if projects come out not every year but every month or so, the money and hype isnt that great.

History repeats itself we’ve had expansions once a year, patches though, BFA has seen the most in game influences. BFA came out in 2018, and had 3 raids so far, unfortunately the raids are great and all but the process of the azerite grind is still there and once the grind is completed, theres nothing to do.

The game is still good, but players have rushed to the end. Blizzard needs to keep people active somehow as the players have changed more than the game.

A giant steamy pile of gold, I agree.

Hope this is an alt.

OP should fix the title since he made this thread with a rush of indignation and was proven wrong.

People are still just reading the title and immediately posting a knee-jerk reply. Looks bad.