With Worgen/Gilneans getting the spotlight in 10.2.5…

I’d sure love to finally be able to fight with my claws. Feral druids using their Worgen form as their feral form, melee-spec Worgen being able to hide their weapons… I don’t care how it happens, I’d just love to see it happen!


I am signing my name in support of this!

Worgen Guardian; big ol’ slashing, thrashing, mauling werewolf.
Worgen Feral; more lithe, nimble were wolf throwing down those brutal slashes, and ferocious bites.

Hide Weapon transmog for fury warriors, outlaw rogues, and ww monks.

Of course I’m sure that transmog idea would probably have to apply to everyone, but you know what? Who cares! If a void elf fury warrior wants to fight with their bare hands then let them!

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Might be a neat idea to change the effect of Flayer from being a skinning racial to a cosmetic weapon racial. :thinking:

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Honestly, they should give Worgen a race-exclusive transmog option to hide their weapon and attack with their claws.
Also getting Gilneas back is nice and all but when is Bilgewater Port going to become the capital it was supposed to be?


Yeah I always wanted that OP - - I read there was a glyph or something that was removed.

But I wish I liked the transmog etc look on worgens and the overall look but I’m picky lol

Anyway, yes to your request OP.

I’m still waiting for the cannon to fire.


It’ll probably be turned into a crater capital about the same time they fire the cannon.

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This would be great for spell-casters, but for melee I think it’d only work if they could hide Fist Weapons.

Yup. I’d love to see that. I think that Vulpera could also use something like it. It’d be funny to see a little Vulpera trying to scratch and bite their enemy.


I remember when they said it was going to be fired before the end of BfA. It’s also kind of amusing how in the game environment the gun is pointed at Stormwind but when you check the map it’s pointed nowhere near Stormwind.


The only drawback I foresee to this suggestion is that it destroys the explicit irony of a werewolf shapeshifting into a big, bad kitty. In terms of lore, I never understood why Worgen Druids didn’t get our own werewolf combat forms. Hey, maybe they’ll surprise us with some in 10.2.5!

I always got the feeling that BfA was rewritten at the last minute so many line of from Sylvanas in the beta were changed to make her sound less reasonable certain events were changed to remove the nuance and I think they removed firing the cannon because they changed the tone from “Woo faction war time!” to “You should feel bad for wanting war in Warcraft!” and probably thought Teldrassil was good enough.

Knowing the Vulpera playerbase that’s probably one of their kinks or something so I’ll give that a hard “no”.

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In terms of lore, I got nothing. In terms of gameplay, the best answer I can come up with is that it was just easier to take pre-existing frames, touch them up a bit to make them look distinct and call it a day. In all fairness, Cataclysm overall was probably a beast to work on since it basically revamped almost the whole game. That doesn’t make it any less of a hard pill to swallow when we think about what we could have had though. Especially when we think back to things they’ve done since, like make cool looking were-bears that would have fit almost perfectly, but then made them FOMO. But I digress.

Those all sound like excellent ideas.

Need to be fair, this was a war against Anduin who’s closer to the horde than Sylvanas-- which later she tried to kill off the other horde leadership and explained nothing of her plans. :thinking:

I was thinking of how in the opening Gilnean quest line, it’s alluded to that werewolves were originally Druidic, and that is why the Night Elves took us in. Of course not all Worgen are specifically the Druid class, but I’ve always felt that Worgen Druid should have had our own stuff for that reason. In a sense we are our own Druidic Order, like of the Bear, of the Claw, of the Feather, etc. Worgen Druids are in a unique position to really explore this heritage and unlock Worgen-themed battle forms, although I wouldn’t object if it were something all Worgen had access to. Really they had the perfect opportunity for this in the Emerald Dream, but Boon of Goldrin gives a fist-based weapon transmog instead of a wolf battle form sad trombone. You’re absolutely right in terms of Blizzard probably not having the additional resources to dedicate to it during Cataclysm, but since Legion they’ve been pushing out a lot of new forms for Druids so I’d like to see the Gilnean Druids finally get some better customization.

Come to think of it, it’s still not too late for Blizzard to implement this later: they just need an NPC (cough, Goldrinn, cough) to offer Worgen a quest chain similar to a heritage armor that grants them their combat wolf form.

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My windwalker monk is a worgen. She uses transparent fist weapons as her weapon transmog.

Unfortunately, the weapons are monk only.

My worgen rogue and worgen DK sign the petition! :slight_smile:

That would be awesome! I was initially excited to see Goldrinn at the beginning the patch, but ever since he’s been pretty scarce.

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