Wipe out all gold on wotlk release

and start banning more bots and make gdkps a bannable offense. the game will be better.

even though there are people who earned their gold in a fair way, this will be a good thing for everyone’s experience overall.


Wiping gold is pointless and only benefits the people that RMT.

I’ll take “Things that will never happen for $300.”


You are free to delete all your own gold but the rest of us are not going to. Good luck trying to convince legitimate players that earned their own gold that it is a “good thing” for them to have it deleted. These players btw would be the only ones to suffer because the players that buy it will simply buy more to replace whatever you wipe off them.


Just go to the fresh server if you are so worried about gold accumulation.

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It’d be interesting to go through the dark portal one more time dude… But not yet. :melting_face:

Still too soon.


If all the DKs can do it, so can you. :wink:

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They won’t they haven’t been able to fix bots in 17 yearseventeen years what makes you think all the sudden they can do it now?

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What a stupid idea…

Y’all really just can’t wait for Sunday to make these stupid threads?

theyre making fresh servers for people like you so go there

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Gold isn’t even that important part of the game. Honestly if I could transfer all my characters to fresh and have my gold wiped that’s what I would do because first I’d buy like epic flying on all of them and what not to blow my gold.

However since I have like 20k saved up right now I can’t go to fresh servers with 5 level 70s which would be the bigger lose to me.

to those who reported my post for trolling: the system instantly unflagged it, if ur upset with an opinion you can reply with your own, but you being crybaby and reporting just shows how childlike you are! :slight_smile:

wiping out all gold would be a good thing, on every server including non-fresh starts!

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