Forum’s got weird rules too. Apparently boob or boobs is just fine, but the proper name for male dangly bits is verboten. Sexism!
Forum’s got weird rules too. Apparently boob or boobs is just fine, but the proper name for male dangly bits is verboten. Sexism!
Kul Tiran?
Confirmed. Forum PvP is harder and has a higher skill cap than the actual game.
Does that make JD rank 1?
I want to watch his stream of forum pvp for those clutch 1,000,000 iq plays.
I would stream but it would break my concentration as I play 4d chess over here.
Totally off topic, but I have to contact my cities parking authority.
Google questions/answers:
“Q: any street cleaning today?”
“A: is street cleaning suspended today?”
Greatest answer possible.
DangerJosh. He’s got the corner on the forum pvp market lol.
“Watch me shut this kid down with an onslaught of gifs”.
Blizzard Post Error: “Please allow other posters to participate first”.
You can’t even trinket out of this stuff, what’s someone supposed to do Blizz?!
Every time I go to recruit more troops on my ship from Garona, she tells me to “get bent.”
I would start there.
Look at you forum twinks displaying your unbalanced power, will cry and wait until Blizz does something about it.
At level 3 you unlock the lounge for trust level 3 only members.
Big deal! Us perma lvl 2s have folding chairs in the hallway. Couches are for the soft!
That being said, someone let me in please!!!
What fool gave you trust level? OMG!
They have no idea what they unleashed.
/slow clap
welcome… WELCOME!!