Wintergrasp - Attacking side


I have been doing a lot of battlegrounds in Shadowlands and generally having a great time. However, every time I join a Wintergrasp and we are the attacking side I see half the players on my team leave. I wasn’t sure at first why this was happening and maybe people were complaining for no good reason. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to win if you are on the attacking side of Wintergrasp. I’d love to see the win % of the defenders of Wintergrasp vs the attackers.

Why is the attacking side at such a deficit and can hardly ever win? From my experience the first fight at SR (the base at the top right) is usually won by the defending team. With killing blows you can start making vehicles. The defenders pretty much steamroll around with maximum vehicles and destroy all the towers and then essentially farm the enemy team for the remaining 10-20 minutes. That is pretty much a typical game. Lose first fight and get steam rolled and wait for the bg to finish while you are sitting at the graveyard.

Now, when the attackers put up a good fight the only thing that changes is the attacking side will make more vehicles and try to break a wall. However, the vehicles usually die before they can do any damage to the walls or the defending towers. If and when they do connect they don’t last very long either. Very rarely the attacking side will break one wall but by this time the game is nearly over. The vehicles will have an even lower chance to make it to the second wall to win the game.

Again, I want to make it clear the scenario where this even happens is pretty low as the defending side is at a steep advantage so much at an advantage where a lot of players decide to not PvP for 15 minutes and take the Deserter buff on the chin. Now all the other bgs feel pretty fair, or at least fair enough where one team doesn’t /afk out of the bg. I love getting Ashran (books are fun and good pace), AV is okay generally quick but can be some good battles and back capping/defending certain towers can be fun. Isle of conquest pretty straightforward but when I get Wintergrasp and I’m not defending (even then it’s kind of boring) I’m sad.

Sorry this was a long post but it outlines the majority of the situations in every Wintergrasp I’ve played and I usually want to /afk out if I’m the attacking side.

If you agree and want this bg reworked, tuned or taken out of the pool please tell me you experience I want this to be changed and as a community we can do it. I believe AV had a similar situation so I just want to queue epic bgs and not be punished if I’m attacking in Wintergrasp

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Yeah, quitting is a massive issue in WG.

I always see 15-20 alliance quit from the start or when they die once they ragequit

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I was on the attacking side twice last night. One of the times like half my group insta left was pretty nuts. This was after the servers d’c’d too.

Everyone leaves because it’s not worth the time for the likely loss. It’s a bad BG and we should be able to opt out.


They leave because it’s not possible to win if you are attacking so just not worth it to sit there and know you will lose for the next 25 minutes yeah


you can win, i’ve lost plenty on defense while team assumed the same thing, but just as other mentioned that its rare to lose on d and offense just isn’t worth the coordinated effort

The problem is winning on offense relies almost entirely on the defense team being afk or bad. Reminds me of docks strat in IoC (also relies on the enemy team being lazy/afk in order for it to work).

If defense and offense are both trying/putting in the same effort, then defense will tend to win since the map favors them. Almost everything (terrain advantages, cannons, travel distance, etc etc) is stacked against the offense side.

When the most consistent win condition for a bg is “hope that a good % of the enemy team is afk”, there’s a problem.

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But overcoming adversity, succeeding against all odds, to witness a satisfying victory screen (plus all the honor and conquest), is that not worth it?
Why else would one do an epic than to partake in a large scale effort to succeed against all odds in a suitable challenge?

That sounds great and all, but we don’t all have a premade/premade buddies we can summon with the snap of a finger :smiley:

The solo-queue experience in WG is miserable (usually) and not fun, it’s no surprise so many people bail out.

I enjoy balanced games in pvp, not heavily weighed in one direction. the overcoming portion is rewarding against an enemy, not a poorly designed map.

I’m sorry, where in my comment did I say ANYTHING about premades?

Who says one can only win via premades?
You’re the only one who’s claiming that, dude. So what’s your proof?

It’s VERY unlikely. Attacking side is very bad and the current bg favors defending side heavily

I think in general it just feels like you can’t get enough coordination as a solo queue in large scale pvp, the mob just runs around violently screaming at each other instead of participating.

Which is why you need to ask the randomly-assigned raid leader if they can pass you lead.
Most usually comply, since they were assigned RL randomly.

Then, as raid lead, you have a bit more “authority” in setting group strategy.


I lost 2 Wintergrasp’s as the defending side but my group has atrocious lol. I’m shocked it’s possible though. I’m not even sure how they did it either