Wintergrasp 251 Shoulders

Why isn’t this on the vendor for this patch?

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because blizzard hates pvp, we had missing pvp items since wotlk launch, we should of had Haste cloth sets from the start, there has always been 2, Felweave (crit sit) (Alacrity) haste main armor set) Healers have options between mooncloth or crit

they are incompetent, pvp has been screwed over and over


Pretty disappointed. Played a lot of games across multiple toons to get this item

I wasn’t here the first time. Were these shoulders so good the carebears whined they had to run content to get them?

If so, there ya go. Carebears only like to use the “well jsut run the content for gear”…when its content they like. More often than not, the devs over the years take their side lol.

They get released next week with the new VoA boss

Interesting how quickly people will jump on the thread to cry and moan about this sort of thing when the answer is as simple as “the boss isn’t added yet”


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