Win trading and boosting in this game is out of control

What a sick twisted thing to say to someone. You are a horrible person.


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


One day a few years from now you’re going to see how unhinged your behavior was. At least I hope you get to that point.

Swole, it’s a jubilee year. Just carry on and be peaceful.

One day a few years from now you’re going to see how unhinged you were. At least I hope you get to that point.

I don’t know why you’re stupid enough to lie about something so easily debunkable, I just know you are. Totally not surprised since lying is just what you do, but I don’t take kindly to chronic liars calling me a liar.

Showing only epics so you can’t claim it was an RBG. You’ve got plenty of other achievements earned in 10/15mans between the time DF was released and Blitz was added as a brawl, but you’ll probably try and claim those were rated (even though achievement history says they weren’t).

DF released 11/28/22, Blitz didn’t make an appearance until 11/7/23 (just a brawl at that time). Next time you try to lie, or call me a liar, ask someone who isn’t stupid how you should go about that without getting caught so easy.


Yeah I can’t remember the last time I did a BG man, but what you said is a very stupid lie.

yeah hey buddy u need a time out

Warsong gulch a few days ago? :dracthyr_love_animated: hehe.

Yeah swole and swole jr, it’s probably just a dozen-and-a-half or so typos on Blizzard’s part. What an unfortunate occurrence for you to be singled out like that by an evil video game company. Let’s just go ahead and ignore the proof right in front of our eyes and take the words of someone constitutionally incapable of being honest. /s

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Are you actually linking screenshots of epic bgs I did for the weekly quest which I haven’t even done in a couple years?

Any bg achievements I do have from DF probably are from ranked because I had someone constantly bugging me to do them for fun.

Also, what I said shouldn’t be taken literally. I might have queued a small handful of regular bgs in DF but your story is an insane lie and the fact you’re trying to push it shows you have not a single moral fiber in your body.

lmao can’t even man up and say “I was wrong” but then again I forgot cankles don’t have spines.

I’d expect nothing less than a flat denial of that incident, as your behavior was indeed reprehensible yet totally on par for you. Your entire defense of which was based off not having been in a BG since SL so it couldn’t have possibly happened, and therefore I must be lying. Presented with proof, you still persist. Color me SHOCKED /s

Anyway, thanks for leading with the chin and starting this thread. It was fun while it lasted, but I’m back to being done with you. Got no more time for roaches. :peace_symbol:

A powerful prayer. Hey don’t forget, me and you still have that one discussion to have later on. Very important.

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This is the sweatiest post I’ve ever tried to read. For the love of all things holy, shave your necks, take a Benadryl, and go hug someone. Or go yell at each other in some neutral discord and video tape it for us.

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teel deer pls

i got u pookie Swole choked r1 bgb to a horse while being unemployed we all point and laugh and then last but not least Amatox on the side hating anime

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damn thats too long to read

im happy for u tho

or sorry that happened

Its no suprise honestly, the one kid has nearly 50k posts on these forums and i just constantly see him arguing with everyone.

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Not taking any sides but even minpojke was saying a ton of wintrading was occurring in the final days of the season.

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How many alts does Swole has in this thread? Soooo much effort