Win trading and boosting in this game is out of control

Anyone can spend their time how they like, but with all the things he’s claiming you think he’d have some self awareness about his own behavior.

Oh going full Beedie I didn’t expect this


Skinwalkers in the walls rmt boosters in the blitzos



10 :horse: 's

Hrm I mean not to bamboozle you with facts and logic, but uh… You and I participate in the exact same activities. Same volume? Hell naw, thank God. You better than me? Yup, by a country mile not even close. I’m just not willing to throw my life away and play 5-figures worth of soloq games since the mode was released, I’m A-OK with the casual dabble and being bad.

I can see you’re all up in your feels over this “robbery” you recently experienced, not thinking straight, etc etc.

don’t forget he’s also on the forums 24/7 you can open any thread any time of the day and there he is


I know how you talk is a common way of communicating in Australia, so I’m not faulting you with the way you are.


When you have kangaroos and plants trying to kill you in the outback it can make you a bit rough around the edges.

He’s just swinging wildly


Grats on your r1 blitz title btw Kennie


Omg ty :dracthyr_love_animated: Blitz so fun

Grats on r1 shufflies :dracthyr_yay_animated:


i don’t know you, but judging by your posts here, you wouldn’t queue up anyways

All jokes aside you’re in a unique position to answer something.

How do you measure RSS R1 versus gladiator in terms of difficulty?

Do you see how many solo shuffle rounds he had played

Swole, didn’t you say in a thread last night that basically you weren’t really expecting to get the title / didn’t really care that much / just hit the queue button?

But now in this thread, you’re alluding to losing the title because of win trading and bots and pilots or whatever?

I’m invested in this saga, I just can’t keep it straight.


Uhhh I don’t really know I’m not a great person to ask. I think shuffle gameplay generally is easier and has a big rng factor to it.

I kinda got there by accident I was Qing a shuffle each night before we started playing 3s id pass that question to someone with more experience

Glad also has a huge variance on difficulty season to season, when in the season, and what comp you played.

I do have every Legend so far and I can say gladiator is something I worry I might not get legend is just pressing Q. That’s my honest opinion from someone that does both


Has 1000+ rounds played. K.

You but two standard deviations higher :dracthyr_nod:

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Remember when you had 3000 rounds but couldn’t do regular legend. So much for not even caring