Will you make a vulpera or Mechagnome next Tuesday

Lol at these replies. What a complete failure these mechagnomes will be


Neither. I’d be tempted to switch to Vulpera if they could be druids but they can’t so no Vulpera for me.

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Vulpera yes. I didn’t even bother getting exalted in mechagon.

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Well Alliance were requesting mechagnomes as a playable race for years, so if they don’t respond well to this then I’d expect the devs to throw up their hands and stop listening to Alliance playerbase requests.

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I’m planning to make two Vulpera and one MechaGnome. With Mechagon being broken up into two wings and being placed in the dungeon finder, I’ll be able to beat up King Mechagon to finish the last of the criteria needed to unlock MechaGnomes.

The characters I am currently planning to make are:

Female Vulpera Enhancement Shaman

Male Vulpera Affliction Warlock

Male MechaGnome Fury Warrior

I’m personally excited to make them. I love creating characters and thinking up backstory for them and such. :smiley:


Thats the dumbest thing ive read. NO one wanted more gnomes. You are just making stuff up now arent you.


Your guys’ collective amnesia notwithstanding, there were requests for playable mechagnomes on these forums for years. Which is why they were added.



Would you believe me if I said it was a dare.

Nope. I don’t play horde, so no reason to level a Vulpera. The Mech is just a skin of a gnome, so nothing new - can’t even transmog it well.


NO ONE ask for this as alliance. That would be like us asking for mounts - only horse mounts.


There were also lots of posts wanting them when the “player animations” were first mined.


I’ll be doing this, when I make one (with my eternal traveler’s mog, minus the head and using the Mechagnome matching headgear.)



lol, nice way to suicide

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Yeah, I’m rolling mage on a Vulpera. Was considering taking my main raiding toon (which is a mage) horde but figured I’d mess around with it on an alt first.


Vulp, shammy, mage or monk, cannot decide :confused:

Yeah I think it’s a pretty bad decision. I’m happy for the 5 people that wants them but everyone else is SOL.

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Wrong. No one even knew what mechgnomes were for the longest time. You basically made some stuff up in your head to defend horde getting a cool race and alliance getting shafted. Amazing. Truly amazing


This is just a silly thing to say.

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I’ll make a Mechagnome, not going to make a vulpera. Because I’m better dead than red.

Gonna make me a Mechagnome Priest

Vulpera first, mechagnome later.

Rep requirements done. buffs nails