Will you leave if they raise the sub price?

AFAIK they won’t charge you more if you currently have a sub, BUT they will charge you more if you start a new sub instead.

Just like Netflix did.

While that is true, WoW in 2004 was a brand new game, despite all the new content and stuff it has definitely suffered depreciation as well. so lowering the real value of what they charge is alright.

And how much bump salaries has seen across America since then? And shall I remind you we are going through a pandemic right now?


I think that’s probably subjective. I still do old content sometimes for achievements or pets or whatever, so I feel like I’m getting everything for that price.

That said, if I didn’t feel like it was worth $15 right now I’d unsub. Right now it would be worth more to me. If it ever stops feeling like it’s worth what I’m paying, I’ll just stop paying.

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They aren’t, but I wouldn’t. If it wasn’t worth $20 I’d probably not consider it worth $15 either.

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Oh yeah. IMO it’s too high as it is.

It’s not for subscriptions. It’s for game time cards.


I play 2-3 nights a week and Sundays and at $20US this is still a no-brainer.

Probably. Not really because I can’t afford it, but as good as WoW is, it’s not that much better than Final Fantasy XIV… and if they use the Canadian price, it’ll be twice as expensive.

WoW is absolutely not twice as good as Final Fantasy XIV.

Most of the sub-price increases have been to create parity with exchange rates or due to laws surrounding digital sales. This actually happens every couple of years outside the US. If they raise the US price, I’ll have to decide then.


Yeah, I read this more as inflation than anything else.

Right now, the Canadian dollar is worth 80% of what the American one is. That wasn’t always so.

If it weren’t for free to play model in many other type of cooperate games, the sub price probably would have gone up a long time ago. Blizzard has opted to monetize players with their shop rather than increase prices on US subscribers. Maybe that will change, but I think Blizzard wouldn’t opt to increase sub fee because that is baked into the players mindset for over 15 years.

Foreign currency has their own issues that may affect why prices change in other countries, but I doubt the US sub fee will change anytime soon.

Assuming the price would go up? Probably not. $25 a month is still pretty cheap entertainment if I’m playing it enough. If they hike the price though they better get busy on making more cosmetics and glyphs because my expectations will climb as well.


it’s great value for the money even at double the cost. when it doesn’t feel that way and it doesn’t feel worth the sub because i’m annoyed by something i don’t pay $15 either. that’s the thing. a price hike will not keep me from playing when i enjoy it. especially since we’ve never had a sub raise in the entire games history. anyone who cries about $5 or whatever being the reason they quit should’ve left a long time ago imo.

Technically speaking, the increase you seen in Canada actually only brought it up to the correct USD pricing.
Previously the cards you could buy in Canada were $30 CAN for 60 days.

Which was disappointing but I understood, now I just buy 6 months at a time and that’s less than $14 a month so.

Well is not exactly cards anymore but either way if you don’t have a sub you are most likely to pay with game time. I guess you could sub one month/3 months at the time and cancel each time though that will be a hassle.

Considering A LOT of people are out of work right now due to covid, raising the price would be an incredibly stupid thing to do.

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The price for North American subscriptions has never gone up so I would probably tolerate it if they could make a case for it. It won’t be easy though because customer service levels, once amazing, have fallen drastically.

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It’s not happening for us US players ( I don’t think), but just in terms of pure discussion… I could go up a bit more, but I probably would phase out after a while. 25 bucks is probably my limit when it comes purely to sub cost. I like WoW better than FF, but that’s only in the comparison that they cost about the same fore me.

they have been all over the world. it’s not like america is magically the only nation in the world dealing with covid. we are not any more special in regards to that than any other country.

Depends on how much and if there’s any service improvements along with the price hike. It’s a pretty good bargain though so it’d take a big increase I think.