Will they ever do Classic SOM Xers?

Are they actually ever going to do free transfers on SOM?


No. Blizz told me that when SOM ends it will either be done for good or if it was success they will launch a SOM 2. This one ends a day after my birthday.

We need SoM server transfers asap

They just opened more free transfers for some TBCC servers. Unannounced. This is a good sign. So maybe soon there will be some traction on the SoM transfers.

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Not a firm date but scroll down to the blue post.

Nothing worse than dedicating several days of playtime to a server that’s dying or insanely unbalanced. You’re severely punished by playing Horde on ALL realms at the moment. Something has to be done. (It won’t)

At this point I’m begging for transfers to TBC. I only started SoM because I didn’t get to play classic and TBC is nearly complete and dying as well. Now I’m 60 on a realm with no Horde players.

i hope not. The main two realms are big enough already.


No, they didn’t.


Yeah .


Hopefully soon for the horde sake. Nightfall horde is falling off FAST.