Will there be a Cataclysm Classic?

I sure hope so. I could go for some lfr deathwing!


Tbh I don’t believe this game brings in that many new players. If it does, they are more than likely fly by nighters. Try the game out, but don’t hang around long. Just my opinion though and could be wrong. My guess is that most classic players consist of the same folks that have been here for years already. It would be interesting though to see exactly how many new players classic actually brought to the game, that hung around more than a year. Would love for new players to be able to experience each version/expansion as it was when it was current content with no changes at all. No squishes etc. Wouldn’t mind a classic version of each expansion. That way folks can also choose to stay and play in the ones they loved. A win win for the players, and Blizz. I mean it keeps $ coming into the game, subscriptions etc.

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I agree with you, but I think devs desperately want to make it regardless. They want to prove that if they hadn’t reverted unpopular changes to dungeons, healing, etc., the game population would have grown dramatically after casuals accepted that they had no choice but to play harder content and got gud. Like, instead of quitting, as too many did.


I’d love a Cata Classic. That’s the Stage of the game I actually have nostalgia for. And my Favorite Race was added!

I haven’t cared about Classic through Wrath. I dabbled in them slightly


Cata Actually had just about everything I liked.
Class overhauls that turned most classes into what I recognize today as “Iconic design” and the removal of a lot of janky, uneccesary mechanics. Like weapon Training.


Im in the minority who loved Cata. The PvP/class design in particular was top notch outside some rare misses (Demo locks).

But realistically i doubt it will happen. Whole point of Classic is to be a nostalgia trip and not that many people are nostalgic of Cata.

MoP or Legion would be more likely contenders.


His felguard will get a very neat weapon.

I think Cata Classic is unlikely… at least unlikely right now.

Who knows what tomorrow might bring.
They can only reset and re-release classic through WRATH servers so many times until people aren’t interested, and eventually the will need something for their classic players to do, or lose those classic players.

Its a shame MoP is sandwiched between two piles of garbage because I’d like to experience good class design again.


there was a survey going around abt cata classic last year. i think they will continue going down the line until there’s no point. wrath classic a crapshow but theres ppl still subbing and playing. imo if they dont add rdf to cata i can’t see many players getting to cap bc leveling is too damn slow and it’ll take months to even reach cata


Classic is the reason behind wanting Classic WoW and Wrath brought back because Cata ruined it all.

Plus all the content from Cata is currently in the game.

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It was also the expac that gave us transmog.


I really hope so. Cata was the best expansion sans dragon soul


I honestly don’t feel like Cata was part of the “Classic experience”. It ends with Arthas dying. How much farther do you want Blizz to go with expansion releases? I mean, eventually you’re going to be caught up to Dragonflight. You might as well be playing retail at that point.

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i seen someone say i see people asking for classic+ how so? you do realize that was what season of mastery was right and it fell right on its face. there will be enough people to play it it’s coming and the people saying oh i hate cata will be right there in cata when wrath is dead when something new comes out just like every other classic released.

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No because the classic era ended when wrath did.

Cata was the start of the netease / activision era i.e new boring talent tree , no glyphs , in game shop , dungeon finder etc etc

They should keep re releasing every expac until they get to live. Then re re release. Then re re re release! Don’t ever make new content. Right? Right???

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the fact y’all keep dogging cata is hilarious considering it had way more players than the last expansion of wow and the current expansion of wow dragonflight. people will eat it up when released just like they do every thing wow releases and move on just like most players who play wow classic or retail now.


Hope so… but that’s the last I’ll be interested in. Mists was just so awful and a bit racist and WoD was just a long soulless grind with hideous broken classes.

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lel, Shadowlands classic