Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?

First i’d like to apologize of coming up rather rudely at the start. But into the topic.
I disagree with this quote. I don’t see that powerhouses like Malfurion, Tyrande (yes, they’re strong), Medivh, Sylvanas, Jaina and others are not that dangerous just because they’re not invulnerable to lowly common battle wounds. What i see is Blizzard stating this on purpose so the less-powered, “scrappy” characters actually have a chance on taking them down.

Would you imagine the story being the same if Tyrande wouldn’t need to be mindful of an arrow of her back, or Medivh secretly wanting to be stopped and having that pedestrian way of being stabbed? No, it would cheapen the other characters as Random Horde Bowyer, or Khadgar. Even Broxigar can be brought on this argument. Yes he barely touched Sarg, but the point is that he was able to.

Define technology.

Is magic not technological? It’s not mechanical, sure, but I would say magic, divine casting and druidism fits into the broad description of technology, considering a lot of Goblin and Gnome tech have magical elements anyway.

Depends how you want to interpret the gameplay of the Darkshore world quests and the boss associated with them: Ivus the Forest Lord. Either you can consider him being cured of the blight by every time the Horde has to face him, or as Carmageddon explained earlier, Ivus is evidence that the Night Elves winning the Darkshore Warfront is the most current state of things in a sequential order.

I feel like you are also intentionally ignoring my post from earlier on how it is actually the Alliance that has the overwhelming advantage at Darkshore right now:


In this instance I am referring to machines. Like their mechs, rockets, mechanical weapons, rafts, boats, etc.

Well that’s the thing. They’re sorta like glass canons if you will. So sure, they’re pretty much MVPs(malfur and Tyrande). But being that they are vulnerable to otherwise normal attacks, it doesn’t negate how dangerous the Horde can be. Thus making the fight pretty even. I do acknowledge that the Alliance is winning though.

To be fair for most of the game’s history, Shandris has been sidelined in Flatbush, I mean Feralas. :slight_smile:

Which I argued being an inferior counter against Kaldorei’s Arcane, Divine and Druidic magics. Due to Goblin’s shotty and explosive design.

Not to mention Kaldorei Ancients, forest beasts, and some mechanics, like Glaive throwers, throwin into the mix, which are much more reliable.

If I’m being honest I was too lazy to read it lol. But I’ll take it a look at it.

Okay so basically, Tyrande and Malfurion are turning the tide. That makes sense, and we’ve sort of established this.

Here’s basically my thought process of the situation.

Without Tyrande and Malfurion(along with the extra forces they brought back to Darkshore). It’s a loss for them.

What I’ve been arguing for the past hundred replies is that without them, the Forsaken and the Goblins would have slaughtered the rest of the forces without a problem. With the goblin “monstrousities”, the Blight, and the constant reanimating of the Kaldorei rangers, it would have been a loss.

Basically what it comes down to is Tech+Blight+Undeath vs Malfurion+Tyrande+Darkshore forces. Obviously, with the help of those two Demi gods, they’re edging out the Horde.

When I first made the thread I didn’t really know that.

Like I said, I would say they’re about equal, just in different ways. The real game changers here are Tyrande and Malfurion. As per Amadis.

Look what happened when the Horde caught them off guard. Now imagine if Tyrande and Malfurion hadnt returned. The Horde would have kicked the forces of Darkshore while they were down.

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By the way, shameless plug to my latest post of all the Night Elf fandom, i would really like to hear your opinions on the subject.

War of Thorns was a loss, but the fighting has not stopped. Tyrande turned the tide, true, but that doesn’t mean the Horde was able to move resources easily, nor really establish control over the area to any significant degree.

Guerilla Warfare is not something you just overcome overnight… The Horde might have been able to do it, especially with the willingness to blight and burn everything. But it would be a slog. It would take them years to combat the Ancients, Furbolgs, Chimeras, Fearie Dragons, Green Dragons, Dryads and Grove Keepers, plus the Kaldorei resistance. Not to mention that it is pretty stupid to assume that Tyrande and Malfurion wouldn’t return, or to assume Maiev and her Wardens wouldn’t come to Kalimdor’s aid. Even if that was the case, and the Horde was able to tame the wilds with Blight… What would they have gained? Resources are all gone. It would have been years of bloody and costly fighting for a useless plot of land.

There is no way the Horde would commit to that, even if they could win it, which they couldn’t of anyway.

Malfurion and Tyrande were the last nails in an already built coffin.

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I doubt after the burning of Teldrassil that they would have wanted to establish any control at all. I mean, Teldrassil was the main target. After that, I doubt they would have engaged in much fighting aside from some resistance.

This is where it becomes weird. Because if they effectively nuked their main target. Why would they even stay? Just pull out and blight the place on your way home.

It seems the Forsaken are raising Night Elves there, which… didn’t go well. They got a small handful of risen Kaldorei, but is was mostly more trouble than it’s worth. Perhaps the Forsaken are looking to resettle?

But that’s partly my point. The Horde has no reason to fight for Darkshore, which is why they are going to lose. They already had their victory in War of Thorns. The fight now is Tyrande’s vengeance. Which is why, narratively speaking, she is going to win.


You two comparing shaft sizes is not going to change anything.

I would be laughing so hard if after all that Night Warrior build up Darkshore is a loss. Again.

Even Blizzard can’t be that stupid. Nah I doubt they would lose but the real question is what happens to Tyrande and Malfurion after Darkshore.
Are we getting a reverse War of Thorns? Or is this where that story ends?


I really wouldn’t put it past them

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History would tell us the Night Elves would just fall away into irrelevancy again. Which is why I am hoping that what Blizzard is doing, is fulfilling Nozdormu’s End Times prophecy. The 4 bosses in that dungeon was Tyrande, Sylvanas, Baine and Jaina. My hope is that Tyrande and Sylvanas have an on going rivalry with eachother during BfA, and Jaina and Baine are at odds (I suspect because Derek is going to do something like Kill Kathrine or something). And those conflicts will bring about Nozdormu’s End Times prophecy.

I feel like it will be vaguely contested as a border skirmish even after the faction war overall has been ‘resolved’.

Ashenvale is as NE as you can get.
I doubt like Azshara it would be handed off to the Horde.

Ashenvale was already contested territory. I just think it would be extended in this case.

Contested ingame only.
Narratively speaking it was firmly NE.


It was contested in-game because that’s what the story was. Since Vanilla there was the back and forth along Warsong Gulch. Cataclysm saw deep incursions by Garrosh. Saurfang has brought them even further, deep into Darkshore.

You can doubt they’ll do it either way. I feel differently. Historically, many people seem to think the Night Elves haven’t been treated well in the story. This would probably be consistent with that.

after Cata, the Night Elves had total control of Ashenvale and Stonetalon. it just wasn’t updated in game. Ashenvale hasn’t been contested since early Cata.

Even now, the Horde stuggles to maintain their holdings in Kaldorei land. By the end of BfA, I seriously doubt the Horde will still be in Ashenvale.