Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?

But that’s a single isolated incident… You’re acting like Northern Kalimdor isn’t full of living trees. A single incident of Blight being used successfully on some Ancients doesn’t mean Blight will always be successful against every ancient. This isn’t Pokémon.

It’s safe to assume that it’s happened, especially with experimental Azerite weapons.

But they didn’t

Considering Anduin was wrong and Tyrande was right, I don’t see the logic in that line of thinking.

We don’t know that. And honestly? The Nightwarrior blessing didn’t make Tyrande any more powerful, she is just protected from being Raised into Undeath.

That’s literally you. The Horde have already annilaited Teldrassil. You don’t get to do it again. The Horde is going to lose on Darkshore. Get over it.

The War of Thorns has been over for awhile now. The only reason the Horde won was because Tyrande, Shandris and Maiev wasn’t there.

She’s a main Night Elf character. It’s not my fault you don’t know lore.


And still I do not have one example from you. So I’ll just stick to this.

No it’s not.

Yeah, I kinda got that already…

Please point out to me where I said

  1. That I’m a fan of the current Horde
  2. That it’s Alliance bias if they don’t win.

You seem to take this quite literally so I’ll just spell it out for you. I know who Shandris is, but she is uninteresting and insignificant compared to the overwhelming amount of advantages the Horde has over the Alliance in Darkshore.

I’m done here :v:

Firstly, if you’re implying my avatar has any effect on how valid my arguments are… you deserve to be ignored.

Secondly, see above for taking everything I say literally. It’s called subtext. But that’s my mistake I guess. I’ll start to post a little simpler for you guys.

Nope, your argument is invalid because it’s obvious that you’re extremely ignorant on this matter. Go learn about Night Elf lore so you can keep up.


Darkshore is the example. The Ancients were resisting the Blight, and were even capable of curing it.

Yes it is.

I guess all I can say to you is stop trolling. If you wanna try being a decent person and having a civil conversation you’re welcome to. :woman_shrugging:

TIL when calling out someone on their ignorance is trolling :thinking:

Ignorant isn’t a swear Word by the way. It just means you do know about X subject. And on this particular case, try to cover it out with wild assumptions (like the one where suddenly Goblins don’t blow each other out anymore, or the Horde killing Alliance on Darkshore/Ashenvale on a daily basis) all of those completely and 100% unsupported by any source by the way.


Where’d I say either of those things? Cmon now. Don’t make things up

And um… they’re not exactly wrong either.


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Wohoo, let me start picking this up piece by piece:

We have been shown all over Warcraft lore that all of the mortal powerhouses are indeed vulnerable to small stuff like, axe in the back, arrow in the chest (Tyrande), sword in the back (Medivh) and many, many others. And we don’t call Medivh a pushover.

Source? Goblin lore may be small, but the little of what we do have is that they’re extremely explosive prone, and i dont have a source of it changing.

TIL Maiev is useless :smile: this just writes itself lmao


This is actually a pretty fair statement that i intend to extend on on a thread on its own lately.

I mean do i need to continue?

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Don’t take things out of context, that was your response to this:

Where I literally admit it… so…


Three passages from A Good War I’d like you to factor:
On Page 17:
Sylvanas Windrunner took a deep breath and then hissed it out in frustration. “If we have no other options, I will handle them myself.”
Saurfang said nothing for a while. It was a bad idea, but at the moment, it was the best one they had.
Saurfang and Sylvanas had discussed strategy and tactics for days, and it had become clear that there were two huge, inescapable points of failure in their plan: Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind. The leaders of the night elves were powerful, dangerous, and perhaps even unbeatable on the field of battle. No matter how surprised the kaldorei would be by this attack, those two would be a terror for the Horde once the fighting began. They had lived for so long, and survived so much, that Saurfang had to consider the possibility that they could hold off the Horde long enough for the Alliance to send help. Ashenvale was their land, after all. They would rally nature itself to their cause.
Sylvanas could match one of them—perhaps—but even she knew that taking them on by herself was . . . not an ideal tactic.
On Page 20:
Tyrande Whisperwind was planning to remain in Stormwind for weeks to construct a long‐term strategy for dealing with the Horde’s strange movements. She had already left Darnassus. It was the perfect time to strike.
But for some reason, the warchief was hesitating.
“You wanted to launch the attack in three weeks, High Overlord,” she said.
“That was when I believed we needed to handle Tyrande and Malfurion. Now we only need to contain one of them,” he replied. “We’ll have a few less soldiers ready for the fight, but we’ll still outnumber the night elves—eight‐to‐one instead of twelve‐to‐one.”
On Page 45:
Malfurion struck hard all across the Horde’s lines, killing those foolish enough to charge into battle with him. When the final numbers were tallied, there would be more slain Horde than kaldorei.
But Saurfang had anticipated that. He didn’t like it, but when you threatened an enemy’s home and invaded their land, you paid a certain price.
Both Malfurion and Tyrande are fighting for Darkshore now. And Sylvanas isn’t there. By the Horde’s own calculations, the Horde probably can’t win Darkshore.

As was very well explained here, there’s no chance on horde to win Darkshore by now… they are losing Arathi and they lost the Battle of Dazar’Alor.

They can no longer use their entire army against the Night Elfs again and even if they do, there’s no guarantee that they win this time because of the Warrior of Elune presence and Maiev.

But I do concern on what Blizzard will do after that… Where will be the Kaldorei’s Capital?

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Right, so they can’t be that dangerous.

You literally quote me asking for a source of goblins blowing themselves up in Darkshore.

This is that subtext I was talking about. Do you always take things so literally?

Why are you asking me for a source on something that didn’t happen?

Like I said I guess I have to start posting pretty literally from now on. I was exaggerating. But if Nathanos and a few Valkyr were able to hold her at bay post-NW, it’s not unreasonable to assume she would have done worse without it.

I see it way too often. I don’t like to generalize, but based on what I’ve seen in this thread, people who say those things seem to be abundant in the night elven fandom. Though that’s probably because this is a thread regarding their race lol

I guess this is an argument, if we are assuming all of Azeroth is “Not that dangerous”

All of WoW history has been a bunch of weaklings having pillow fights. Sure. Lets go with that.

Still makes the Night Elf racial leaders the strongest tho.

Goblins blowing themselves up is pre-established lore. It’s the standard we are forced to accept with a lack of evidence. You need evidence that Goblin’s aren’t blowing themselves up.

The Night Warrior isn’t, in itself, a power up. Tyrande is just as strong with it as she was without it. The difference is merely that those blessed by the Night Warrior are protected from being raised into Undeath.

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But my point is that there hasn’t been an instance of it in Darkshore. Even if they do, it’s not enough to hinder the Horde’s forces, which is what the original argument is.

To be honest, it’s kind of a petty argument anyway. So either way I don’t think it matters.

That’s really it huh? Well I don’t know, so I won’t argue. Do you have a source though? I’d like to read more about it.

The original argument was the Natural and Divine magic of the Kaldorei puts them at a technological advantage compared to the explosion prone-Goblins.

People are often confused by the Night Warrior, often thinking that Tyrande herself is the Night Warrior. In truth, The Night Warrior is just the New Moon phase of Elune, which Tyrande now embodies.

Where the Mother Moon (Full moon Phase) of Elune has always been associated with life and healing, the Night Warrior has always been associated with Death. In this way, Elune guards over the natural cycle of Death, which we have seen with Ysera (As Elune puts on her Night Warrior face before lifting her to the stars) as well as we have seen in Darkshore, where Elune not only does such with fallen Kaldorei, but with undead Kaldorei as well.

This isn’t new lore either, Elune in the WoW encyclopedia mentions this, as well as the Kaldorei’s defense from being risen. Which is why in the Horde Side quest, Kaldorei spirits will sooner attack you than be raised. This is also why the Scourge has little to no presence in Kalimdor, despite invading Night Elf lands in Warcraft 3.

fallen Night Elf Warriors being elevated to the Stars by the Moon is also refrenced in The Demon Soul, the 2nd book in the War of the Ancients Trilogy.

And finally, we have flavor text from a Night Elf Archeology item, Necklace with Elune Pendant, which reads:

“Elune is the primary goddess of the night elves. She is associated with the larger of the two moons, the White Lady. While she is a goddess of peace, she is not a pacifist. One of her aspects is the Night Warrior, who takes the valiant among the dead and sets them riding across the sky as stars.”


You should already know that level of power means nothing.

Elune and the super saiyans elves are strong, but writers can come up and create something powerful for the Horde to balance things.

The thing is, the Horde already had their Victory in Darkshore. Blizzard isn’t going to give them another one.

The most telling thing to that point is rebuilt Auberdine and graphically updated Lor’danel…. Where as the Horde bases are pretty copy pasted from elsewhere. Implies Darkshore will eventually be a Nelf only zone in the future.


I guess it depends on what will happen to the forsaken’s lands.

I think the Forsaken will get Undercity back, but not with Sylvanas as leader.

The Night elves may have had a civilization for longer than the goblins, but that doesn’t mean they’re more technologically advanced. They are traditional, savage, and obviously prefer nature over technology. That is what would even the odds against the Forsaken horror weapons and Goblin technology.

To say that they’re more advanced than the goblins in regards to technology is plain wrong. Pretty much any other aspect of life is up for debate besides that.