Will the Horde revert to evil again?

It’s even sadder when you see games like Runescape that made someone like Zamorak into a grey character while WoW can’t write a story with the Horde being noble creatures fighting against Imperialist races like humans that are in the constant expansion for resources.

I’m starting to think the big names(Danuser, Golden, Afrasiabi) on the lore department are in their current position just there cause some higher up company likes them and gave the job cause of friendship and a cheap salary while the few good were moved to other teams and eventually left the company.


Next time they run out of any big villains, the Horde will go back to looking for more genocide targets chanting something about ‘Honor’

I’m not! I get to do something fun most expansions, and then Alliance players get to impotently try and check me!

Revert back to evil? When did they stop being evil in the first place? :thinking:

When Sylvanas, Nathanos, and Gallywix all ran away and they formed a council of goody-two-shoes.

I mean, we do have Rokhan, Thrall, and Gazlowe all in Racial Lead positions. We have Rexxar apparently committing full time. All we really need is Loa’jin to prove he’s going to be a regular, and get Nazgrel back and we’d have the old WC3 dreamteam again (outside of Cairne and Chen). Lor’themar, Thally, and Talanji are decent enough characters. I honestly do think Voss, Geya’rah, Mayla, and Kiro could make great additions. Ji … could be good.

A “Council of Goody-Two-Shoes” has potential … if Blizz would just invest.


There’s potential for a fascinating evolution: the council presumably grants equal ‘power’ to each member, despite many of such members contributing relatively few people to the Horde. With the combination of Ji, Thalyssra, Kiro, Mayla, Baine, Lor’themar, Voss/Calia, the number of good/peaceful members so completely dominate the council that they could totally remake the Horde to their liking. “Sorry Orcs, the savage Horde is dead, long live the new (mostly) pretty race Horde!”


The only ones I see ever believably causing issues with Alliance in the future are either Geya’rah, who want to reclaim Draenor from the Lightforged, or Telanji, who wants payback for Rastakhan. Neither of them have malicious ulterior motives of power and arguably have legit gripes.

As far as Blizzard “investment”… I wouldn’t count on seeing a great deal of screen time outside of Thrall, Cairne, Lor’themar, Thalyssra, or Rokhan considering they’re part of the “main cast”, so to speak. Possibly Telanji as well provided Blizzard don’t conveniently forget she exists half the time like they do with Ji Firepaw.

I’m not holding out hopes of ever seeing Kiro or Mayla take part of anything important.


I mean, depends on what you categorize as pretty? And the Orcs still comprise 2 of 12 seats on the council. That said, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I actually really like the new Aesthetics of the Org Portal Room. Outside of the metal dinner plates, its a nice evolution of the MU Orc Aesthetics. Its very warm and cozy, with dark stone and wood choices.

It is true though that the Horde might have a chance of exiting its terrible teens here soon. We have a very diverse faction with a very wide range of cultural specializations that compliment one another. The only concern I have is growing space … especially for the Kalimdor Horde (supporting 5 communities in such a small destitute area is problematic).

God … I sort of wish the WoT was devoted to just pushing the Kaldorei North of Stonetalon. The NEs don’t have many holdings there anymore outside of a few lodges, and their only local south of those is a single military base. That might be better served being plugged into the Ashenvale border now. Feathermoon seems to have moved her garrison North anyway.

And if the child doesn’t fight?
(I think killing a child is already questionable regardless of context, but for the sake of asking about your weird moral system.)

Let’s be honest, they forget Ji exists 90% of the time

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Do you people do anything other than cry about the big meanie hordies and brag about how morally superior you are and complain about Teldrassil

Like damn, I try not to buy into faction stereotypes but why does the faction with badass dwarves cry so much


I’m not sure how they’ll break it to Geya’rah that AU Draenor almost certainly no longer exists, and destabilized into nothingness just as all other AU’s are fated to. Do the AU Mag’har understand that they came into existence (with corresponding fake, implanted memories) at the moment of their universe’s creation at Garrosh’s trial?

Regardless, right now is the greatest shift in racial and cultural power/influence of the Horde in its entire existence. Never before have the Horde’s added post-Vanilla races had so much power. The situation is ripe for the ascension of a de facto “prime councilor” like Lor’themar that ends up wielding the most power. To your point, this could lead to such cool changes in Horde aesthetic.

Do we know who writes the zone quests vs the overarching main story? Cause the zones always seem fine to me. It’s the only time I find wow storytelling compelling.

Or maybe there is more meddling in the overarching story. Because it felt like they had to change gears with the “alliance is in lawful good overdrive” announcement which was… weird… idk maybe it’s just me.

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This thread has way too much RP in it, and that’s coming from someone on an RP server.

For the Horde to revert to evil, they would need to be treated by the story itself as evil, which they weren’t. That was kind of the whole crux of BfA’s faction war issue, and is also why we have peace so quickly. The story, outside of a few one off things, never had the Horde as evil or the cause of the war, just Sylvanas. Right from pre-patch, a full two years ago now, it was said that she was the reason for there not being peace.

I personally hope they never bring a faction war story to the fore again, started by either the Horde or the Alliance, unless there’s a timeskip of like… at least a century.


Geya’rah’s a little more extreme than that. Her first words upon arriving on Azeroth are “There are draenei on this world? Not for long.”

My man! :fist:

How is that evil? Voodoo isn’t twisted magic it’s natural, Voodoo never caused any big disaster and it’s linked to Wild Gods AND it’s shown to do good things as well.

And when it comes to diet, I am not bothered with the concept of trolls eating their enemies. Fact is playable Darkspears didn’t really commit any atrocity, and trolls for centuries were written to be the ones to struggle to keep their territories because each new race invades them to take over their lands. How defending yourself is evil?


Humans eat dragons and nobody blinks an eye.


That rich coming from someone playing the faction, and in particular race specialized in doing just that. Killing children.