Will the Horde revert to evil again?

Oh, I agree, but at least now they don’t have the easy excuse of Wix … who deliberately suppressed even the potential for development due to the type of character he was. Gazlowe is not nearly as oppressive as a force, and the handling of Gobs in BfA was one of the few things Blizz did well. There were more unique moments, names, and faces in that little expac than there have been in 10 years under Wix.

That was a generally positive experience at the very least. And at least now Wix can take up his delightful reoccurring antagonist role as hopefully the leader of the Venture Co. from now on.

It seems to me you have played a very different game in regards to Goblins and never read any Goblin contract. They are all repressive. That’s what they are. Money making blood suckers.
Just gone leave this here.


You mean the short story written by Gallywix himself?

Yep. In comparison to the Goblin X Gnome fanfic from Golden it’s not bad.
Also: Yep the oppressive contracts are a thing.

Sigh … I like Wix as a character, but he was an absolutely horrific PC racial leader. There was never a point where I looked at him and though “yeah, he doesn’t render my favorite PC race as little more than greed filled lemmings”. The Gobs are supposed to be the Horde tech experts, but you sure as hell wouldn’t know that with Wix’s leading of the Bilgewater. He’s always been a bit of an idiot.

You want a non braindead Gob? You have go to the neutral Steamwheedle. You want an Antagonist who was arbitrarily placed in charge of the Cartel by a Thrall who wanted nothing to do with the faction? You play Bilgewater. And again … giving Wix a pass for deliberately slaughtering his own people when you go so far out of your way to demonize Baine for some untold amount of Tauren he apparently killed?

Unfortunately Blizard’s idea of a good horde is a bunch of alliance loving, self hating, weakling like Baine. Perhaps Thrall will send a body part to each leader as a sign of friendship(fealty). In return they MAY allow Orgrimmar access to ashenvale lumber at a cost.

Oh my brothers we are not a faction of alliance lapdogs. We are a fierce proud people and the endless insults from the alliance and their sycophants shall not stand!!

Thrall could also kill Sylvanas and toss Tyrande her head. He did promise he’d do that.

We know that’ll NEVER happen.